Chapter 12:Manly Whatnots

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Cut to Chloe's car outside an old factory

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Cut to Chloe's car outside an old factory.

In the car were Lucifer and Chloe, while in a car behind them was Zarathos. Lucifer had his phone on so they communicate with his brother.

(Phone)Zarathos: How much longer? I getting bored over here.

Lucifer: Ten more minutes. Patience.

Chloe: Something doesn't feel right.

Lucifer: Well, of course, it doesn't. It's a kidnapping. Cool ranch puff?

Chloe: No, thanks.

Lucifer: No? Mm. It's funny, isn't it? You'd think the king of hellfire would be more of a flaming hot guy but love these bad boys.

(Phone) Zarathos: I'm more of a BBQ Doritos spirit myself.

Chloe: Okay, let's say you really are the Devil and your brother is some kind of fallen angel. All-powerful, immortal, blah, blah, blah. Does that mean you guys don't feel pain at all?

Lucifer: Hmm. I like this line of questioning. Does this mean you're finally coming around?

Chloe: No. Just answer the question.

Lucifer: (chuckles) Well, I... I do feel something, but it's not pain so much as, uh, a pressure, a nuisance, really.

Chloe: Okay, so what does it feel like if you get shot? (Lucifer thumps her arm with his finger) Ow.

Lucifer: Well, you asked.

Chloe: But that's it? Like, a bullet just bounces off you guys?

(Phone) Zarathos: Depends on the type of bullet. But most just don't really affect us at all, there's no blood or any wound. We were made to be almost invincible.

Lucifer: You can verify with something sharp if you like. Prove this once and for all.

Chloe: No, it's not necessary. It's tempting though.

Lucifer: Huh. So, does this mean that you believe us? I'm afraid I can't offer anything obvious like a tail as proof. I mean Zara does have his fire but it's hard to put out so I wouldn't recommend that.

Chloe: So no horns or wings for your brother?

(Phone) Zarathos: Sorry blondie, it doesn't work like that in real life, plus I lost my wings a centuries ago. That's why I drive everywhere.

Chloe: Mm-hmm. Well, look, I-I (Chuckles) have to admit, I've seen some things I can't explain, but I don't believe in all that Bible stuff.

Lucifer: So you're an atheist. How ironic.

Chloe: No, not exactly. I do believe there's good and evil and right and wrong. But the whole fiery damnation thing, no.

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