Chapter 6: Lucifer, Stay. Good Devil.

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Cut to the street outside the party

(A large group of paparazzi clamoring, cameras clicking)

Lucifer: So how do you plan on catching our murderous protégé anyway?

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Lucifer: So how do you plan on catching our murderous protégé anyway?

Zarathos: Are you just gonna yell "hey anyone here a murderer?"

Chloe: What No! that's a terrible idea. I was thinking more like if he never left the scene of the crime.

Lucifer: What, and instead blended in with the other paparazzi taking photos? That's quite clever.

Chloe: Yeah, so if we recognize anyone from the crash, it could be our guy.

Zarathos: That's smart. We gotta keep our eyes open then.

Lucifer: Yes right. Are you okay?

Chloe: I'm fine. Why? Oh, Nick told you what happened, didn't he?

Zarathos: He did. Sorry, Lucifer is kinda nosy about other people's lives.

Lucifer: I am. We got to hear all about your wicked right hook.

Chloe: Oh, yeah.

Lucifer: He also told us it was a low point for him. Which I believe, actually. Yeah, I think our dung beetle, of all things, desires redemption for what he did to you.

Zarathos: As much as a sinner Nicky boy is. He is trying to be a better person.

Chloe: Yeah, well, he's not going about it the right way, that's for sure.

Lucifer: Yes, well, we all know what the road to Hell is paved with, don't we? (Sees Josh in the crowd) Hello, hello, hello. There's a familiar face.

Chloe: Yeah, from the crime scene this morning. I remember him.

Lucifer: And he's spectacularly creepy as well, so that's a bonus.

Josh notices Chloe, Zarathos, and Lucifer.

Zarathos: I think the creepy dude sees us.

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