Chapter 15: Sweet Kicks

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Lucifer: Benny?

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Lucifer: Benny?

Chloe: (looking around at the expensive loft) Some street artist.

Zarathos: (sniffs the air) Hey, does anyone else smell blood?

Lucifer spots the pool of blood and points at it.

Lucifer: No, but I do see it.

Lucifer leans down and touches the blood with one of his fingers and puts it in his mouth.

Lucifer: Definitely blood, though. But curiously, not human.

Zarathos: Really?

Zarathos knees next to Lucifer, he dips one of his fingers into the blood and tastes it.

Zarathos: You're right Luci. (smack, smack) It's animal, it kinda tastes like pig. Oh no.

Chloe looks at the two brothers with a disgusted look. They hear someone crying nearby. They turn the corner and see Benny crying over Pig Diddy's body.

Chloe: Benny?

Benny: Poor Diddy

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Benny: Poor Diddy.

Chloe: This is the murder?

Benny: I'm sorry. I didn't know who else to call. Ain't no 911 for pets.

Lucifer: Bacon for dinner, I guess.

Zarathos hits Lucifer his elbow to make him behave.

Zarathos: I'm sorry Benny, I actually like that pig.

 Benny: Thanks, it's... nice to hear that.

Chloe: What happened?

Benny: Hector and I went to an opening. Came back to find... it's Pig Diddy.

Lucifer: Were you aware that your old friend Yellow Viper was released from prison last week?

Benny: No, I had no idea he was out.

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