Chapter 4: Lucifer, Stay. Good Devil.

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A street preacher on some LA street is surrounded by a crowd.

Preacher: Save your soul! It's up to you! I ask you  to repent! Repent your sins before it is too late! It is the end of  times! The Devil walks among us!

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Preacher: Save your soul! It's up to you! I ask you to repent! Repent your sins before it is too late! It is the end of times! The Devil walks among us!

Lucifer and Zarathos come nearer to the preacher.

Lucifer: Padre, you have no idea how right you are. (chuckles) But there's no need to be angry about it. Enjoy the ride.

Preacher: Bless you. Have you two seen the face of the Devil?

Lucifer: Oh, every morning in the mirror, pal.

Zarathos: I have seen his smug mug face before my morning coffee sometimes.

Lucifer: You know it's the best part of your day Zara.

Preacher: Exactly! He's in all of us! In our every moment of weakness. Look at this world! The sin, the lust! It is the Devil's touch.

Lucifer: N-N-No, don't give me credit for all that. You, humans, do plenty all on your own. That's why Zarathos used to hunt you people. (microphone feedback squeals)

Zarathos: Ah good times.

Preacher: (sighs) What's your problem, pal?

Lucifer: Excuse me?

Preacher: Yeah, uh, why don't you guys move your shtick along. Okay, I'm not sharing my tips with you guys, if that's what you're angling for.

Lucifer: Oh. Right. Is this a performance? Are you like the Chewbacca and the Spider-Man down the street? I have to say, you're very good.

Zarathos: I don't know Luci, That spider-man was way better than this guy.

Lucifer: Come now brother, just because he's your favorite hero doesn't make him better than everyone else. There are many performers out there on the streets.

Preacher: Yeah, so why don't you go bother them. You're bad for my business. Repent! The Devil...

Lucifer: Isn't finished with you yet. You see, what I hate more than anything is a liar, a charlatan, someone who doesn't believe in what they say.

Preacher: So what are you gonna do about it?

Lucifer: Why, make you a believer, of course.

Lucifer: Why, make you a believer, of course

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