Chapter 4: Swordsman Tourney

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Izuku nodded in affirmation. "This is going to be a breeze." He knew the cash prize would be his once again, allowing him to invest in new equipment.

He stepped into the shadow of his closet and sank into it. Before heading to the tournament, he had some errands to run. Little did he know the adventure that awaited him.

[Intro Arc] Swordsman Tourney

Izuku emerged from the shadows and made his way to a nearby corner store, intending to grab some snacks for the upcoming tourney. As he entered the store, his eyes landed on the shopkeeper, Takimi Shirochi.

Shirochi, a plump old man in his 50s, ran the store that had been passed down through generations in his family.

"Hey, Mr. Shirochi," Izuku greeted, flashing a warm smile at the old man.

"Kayama-san, it's been a while since you last visited the shop. How have things been?" Shirochi inquired, observing Izuku as he walked around, searching for his usual items.

"Everything's been going well. Another tourney has come up, so I'll be heading over there in a couple of hours," Izuku replied. Shirochi let out a slight sigh, aware of the risks involved and hoping that Izuku would come to realize the consequences as well.

"I'm surprised they're still organizing those tournaments. I thought the police had finally managed to shut them down. You know, it's illegal to participate in them, especially with your mother being a pro-hero. They're no good, Kayama, no good at all," the old man grumbled, his concern evident.

Izuku shook his head, letting out a small chuckle. "You know me, Mr. Shirochi. I never get caught up in trouble." Just then, a group of kids walked into the store, and Izuku swiftly deduced that they were up to no good.

"Hey, Old Man!" one of the boys called out. Izuku glanced toward Mr. Shirochi and noticed the worry etched on his face.

"Hey, let's teach these boys a lesson, Zuku," Koyami bellowed, a feral grin spreading across her face.

Izuku mirrored her grin, ready to step forward, but his movement was halted by Hayami's voice.

"Nemuri said that if you get into another fight, she will-" Hayami began, concerned.

"We don't have to worry about that right now, Hayami," Izuku interrupted a bead of sweat trickling down his neck. He approached the boy and placed a firm hand on his shoulder.

"Walk away peacefully, and there won't be any problems," Izuku spoke in a hardened tone. The boy scoffed and swatted Izuku's hand away, flashing a grin.

"Heh, who do you think you are? Don't poke your nose where it doesn't concern you," the boy said with a confident smirk, Izuku narrowed his eyes at the boy who had been causing trouble. He pointed a finger directly at him, emphasizing his words.

"But this concerns me," Izuku continued, his finger now pointing at Mr. Shirochi. "You leave this poor old man alone, or else."

"Or else wh-" the ring leader began to say, but before he could finish, Izuku swiftly delivered a powerful right hook to his face. The boy stumbled backward, falling on his ass, clutching his jaw in pain. Hatred burned in his eyes as he looked up at Izuku.

"You little bastard," one of his lackeys rushed to help him up. "Do you know who I am? I am Neito Monoma!" Monoma squawked, his voice laced with arrogance.

"I don't give a damn if you were my grandma," Izuku retorted, his voice filled with conviction. "No one comes in here and disrespects the old man. Now get the hell out of here, and if I ever see your face around here again, I'll do more than just punch you in the face." Izuku growled, his tone oozing with determination and a sense of justice.

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