Chapter 20: Disaster Walker

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"You know what to do," he declared, as they surged forward, seamlessly blending into the conflict. Any enemies who managed to escape the confines of the shadows were promptly dealt with by Izuku. Within a mere two minutes, the battle came to an end.

Izuku returned his newfound soldiers to the depths of his shadow, preparing to face the final beasts of the day: the King of Serpents.

[Spirit Realm Arc] Disaster Walker

In the depths of the Chamber of Snakes, an ancient King of Serpents ruled over its eerie domain. Flanked by lofty pillars intricately entwined with masterfully carved wood, the chamber exuded an aura of mystique. At the far end, a majestic serpent statue stood, adding an air of reverence to the surroundings. 

This was no ordinary chamber; it was the abode of the Serpent King, a place where many living spaces were dedicated to containing a variety of formidable creatures—the Dark Prison.

Within the kingdoms, there existed a realm inhabited by supernatural creatures known as Magic Beasts. The majority of these creatures were innately hostile towards those who sought to control or subdue them. When the Monsters, as they were commonly called, began causing havoc in neighboring realms, they were mercilessly slain. However, the astute denizens of the Spirit Kingdom discerned that the Monarch of Shadows, a nefarious ruler, might employ these formidable creatures as part of his army. In response to this threat, the Dark Prison was established.

Day by day, an increasing number of captured creatures were brought into the depths of the Dark Prison, bolstering its already formidable collection.

It was within this foreboding chamber that Izuku found himself. The chamber's architecture bore a resemblance to a labyrinthine sewer system, and as Izuku ventured deeper, the putrid stench of death assailed his nostrils. 

The only audible sounds were the haunting echoes of water droplets reverberating in the murky depths, and the sight of snake skins strewn across the cave walls intensified the sense of unease.

'I must find it,' Izuku thought to himself, his gaze scanning the chamber. "The King of Serpents. Where could it be hiding?"

Activating his heightened senses, courtesy of Hayami's ears, Izuku strained to discern any sound that might betray the presence of the elusive creature. Gradually, a faint hissing noise reached his ears, originating from above. 

Looking up with agility, Izuku spotted the massive serpent coiled menacingly, its hisses growing louder with each passing second. Reacting swiftly, Izuku evaded its deadly descent, narrowly escaping its wrathful strike.

Now face-to-face with the imposing King of Serpents, Izuku couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the creature's nomenclature. "Why call it the King of Serpents when it is clearly female?" he pondered momentarily, before dismissing the thought. The task at hand demanded his full attention.

With unwavering resolve, Izuku readied his blade as he and the serpent locked eyes. In a heartbeat, they charged toward each other, engaged in a deadly dance that would determine the outcome of this fateful encounter.

-Yuuei High-

"Ahem, if you need help, I can assist with the lectures!" Momo called out from across the room.

"YAO-MOMO!" Kaminari and Mina exclaimed in unison.

"While I may not offer practical advice, I..."

"THAT'S OKAY!" they interrupted eagerly, their focus fixated on her impressive midterm score.

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