Chapter 106: His Story II

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Izuku gazed up at the sky, a slight grin adorning his face.

"Perfect timing."

[All for War Arc] His Story II

"Every man has his own destiny: the only imperative is to follow it, to accept it, no matter where it leads him." - Henry Miller

-You Can Be A Hero Too-

The golden gates gracefully swung open, revealing a radiant light that washed over the battlefield. Stepping forth from the gates, a majestic legion of angelic humanoids emerged—the Rulers.

Approaching Izuku, their ethereal forms exuded an aura of calm wisdom. The first Ruler spoke, his voice gentle yet firm, "Young one, we have borne witness to your arduous journey—the trials you have faced and the choices you have made. The burden of this world rests upon your shoulders, and your strength and compassion have shone brightly."

Another Ruler added, "You have brought an end to our war. We are deeply grateful, beyond words."

Izuku seated himself and gazed at the rising sun. "Well, I do have a request for you."

The first Ruler inquired, "A request...?"

Izuku's soft chuckle filled the air. "Yes, there is something only you can fulfill for me."

"Rest assured, I will do everything within my power to aid you," the First Ruler pledged.

Izuku looked down at his palms, pondering the myriad of possibilities before him. His inner voice, Hayami, gently encouraged him to find the right question. "You can't move forward like this; your peace can't begin here," Hayami whispered in his mind.

Izuku felt a pang of frustration; he had come all this way, only to be plagued by doubts. "I hate it when you're right," he admitted.

With a deep breath, Izuku finally voiced his request. "Could you... employ the Cup of Reincarnation once more?"

The Rulers were taken aback. "Are you suggesting that you wish to use the Cup of Reincarnation to turn back time?" The First Ruler sought confirmation.

Izuku's eyes glowed with determination. "Exactly."

"Even if you were to utilize God's tool, the consciousness of higher beings would persist," the First Ruler explained. "The deceased Monarchs would be revived with all their memories intact... knowing this, do you still wish to proceed?"

Izuku shrugged casually. "Yes. I'll face the Monarchs and their armies, so please don't send anyone to Earth after turning back time."

"You plan to shoulder this war alone...?" the second Ruler asked incredulously. "But why would you go to such lengths? We too have used the Cup of Reincarnation many times, yet we have never accomplished what you have here."

Izuku glanced towards the ground and then over to where Ashoka likely lay, lifeless. "Too many lives were lost in this battle," he explained, the sun casting a bright glow on his resolute green eyes. "...I want to bring them back."

"The Cup of Reincarnation's power will soon wane," the First Ruler warned. "If you fail, you won't be able to turn back time again."

The second Ruler interjected once more. "You could be forever remembered as the hero who halted this war. But no one will remember the fight you seek to begin. Should you fail, ruin awaits you, and no one will be there to congratulate you if you succeed... yet you still wish to turn back time?"

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