Chapter 77: Regarding the Enemy

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"We have to make sure the islanders are safe," Tamaki instructed the group, directing his attention, especially that of the still-frustrated Habuko. "That's part of our job as heroes," he added with determination.

The Neon Quirk user grimaced in frustration, their emotions were evident, but eventually acquiesced. Chaos had enveloped the island as stormy clouds rolled in. It was a disaster...

[Nabu Island Arc] Regarding the Enemy

"On the whole human beings want to be good, but not too good, and not quite all the time." - George Orwell

-You Can Be A Hero Too-

Rain relentlessly pounded Nabu Island that fateful night, its unyielding downpour showing no signs of abating. Amidst the encompassing darkness, the island remained illuminated by scattered fires, stubbornly refusing to extinguish.

Among the few structures still aglow, the local factory stood out, casting its feeble light upon the scene. Within its walls, Kashiko anxiously cradled a cluster of bottles, her gaze darting back and forth between Izuku and Joben.

"You two are pushing your powers beyond their limits," she admonished, her voice laced with concern. The endless stream of supplies emanating from Izuku was overwhelming: stacks of toilet paper rolls, bottles, and even batteries piled up beside him. 

His head throbbed with an unbearable ache, and overwhelming exhaustion enveloped him, a consequence of his rapid healing, which drained Izuku of his energy.

"We must address these issues promptly, or else we won't have the resources we need," Joben interjected, diligently utilizing his quirk to assist Izuku in powering the devices he had created.

She stole a quick glance behind her before proceeding. 

'Kei...' she whispered inwardly, tightly gripping the bottles in her arms. 

Meanwhile, elsewhere in the factory, Reibu guided the islanders over to a table where Hayato and Retsu were serving them bowls of soup.

"Here you go," the Birdo Quirk user offered, presenting a bowl to a man. His wrist was wrapped in bandages from the earlier battle that evening.

"Thank you so much," the man gratefully replied with a nod, stepping away to allow the next person to receive their soup.

"Be careful, it's quite hot," Retsu cautioned, handing a bowl to a woman.

"Could we please have only one per person?" Romero politely requested, standing alongside Dadan at a nearby table where islanders could collect boiled eggs to accompany their soup.

 "This way, there will be enough for everyone," he confidently added, wiping sweat from his brow. Despite their ability to provide food and shelter, the two boys still appeared distressed by the situation. 

It wasn't the students' fault; they had never anticipated being confronted by real villains, especially ones that proved to be overwhelmingly powerful against Class Dog-1. Roki observed silently from the sidelines.

The factory floor was littered with people, and their despondent demeanor went beyond mere sadness. They were gripped by fear.

"What if the villains decide to attack us next?" questioned the island mayor, capturing the attention of the class representative as he approached with trays of supplies in hand.

"There's no need to be concerned," Roki reassured him. "If that were to happen, I promise we will do everything in our power to protect you," they stated firmly. However, even with those words, they couldn't help but feel their own concerns. They had witnessed the power and ruthlessness of the villains they had fought, making it clear that the upcoming battle would be an arduous one.

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