Chapter 58: Cursed Clan

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"Wrong answer," Chimera seethed, quickening her approach toward the group.

Izuku's smirk widened; he was on the brink of ecstasy. "Arise."

[Project 42 Arc] Cursed Clan

"Just because something isn't a lie does not mean that it isn't deceptive. A liar knows that he is a liar, but one who speaks mere portions of truth in order to deceive is a craftsman of destruction." - Criss Jami

-You Can Be A Hero Too-

Kurono found herself in an unusual situation, awake yet shrouded in darkness, unable to see. With a languid movement, she slowly opened her eyes. The scene that unfolded before her was peculiar; dim lighting cast an ethereal glow, shrouding dark walls and a grey floor. The atmosphere exuded a somber aura reminiscent of a morgue.

She pushed herself upright, rubbing her eyes in a drowsy attempt to clear her vision. As her gaze swept around, it landed on a black-velvet loveseat nestled against one wall. Across from it, a desk and chair made of dark wood stood, commanding attention. Upon the desk lay an assortment of notebooks—numerous, to say the least. Her fingers grazed the pages as she flipped through them, her eyes tracing over the combination of text and intricate drawings.

'Page four. "Sweats Nitroglycerin." Page seven. "Ice and fire." Page twelve...

...Get OFA!!!'

She stood there, her thoughts entwined with the mysterious acronym. 'OFA...' Its unfamiliarity left her perplexed, its meaning still a puzzle.

A sudden recollection swept over her as her fingers brushed against the upholstery of the loveseat. This was the chamber of the man responsible for Musashi's demise—a man renowned for his televised victory over All for One, with the aid of All Might.

'Shigaraki Izuku.'

"I need to escape from this place," she whispered to herself, determination firm in her voice. "Right now."

With a determined stride, she raced toward the door, only to be met with a cruel discovery—it was locked. Her hands instinctively stretched forward, her quirk-powered strike directed at the door, propelling her forward.

'Or so I believed.'

Panic surged through her veins as reality sank in; the door hadn't been shut, and her quirk remained unbidden. A cold wave of dread swept over her as she recognized her inability to wield her quirk.

A glint caught her eye as she lowered her gaze to her hands.

'A pulsating blue light.' She lowered herself to the floor, spotting a black ankle monitor adorned with a conspicuous blue light fastened to her ankle. 'A quirk-dampening ankle monitor. Fuck.'

The gloomy ambiance persisted, now mirrored by Kurono's inner turmoil as she grappled with her newfound predicament.



A group of twenty twin-headed Ogres emerged from Izuku's shadow, a menacing force that surged forward toward Chimera in silence. In the midst of this, Masumi was noticed delicately retreating, and Izuku allowed his withdrawal. The man's utility had run its course; Izuku had extracted what he sought. The prevailing challenge now lay in eliminating Chimera, unquestionably the most formidable member of the League.

As a spectator, Izuku observed her effortless vanquishing of three Ogres. Yet, as they began to coalesce against her, she encountered escalating difficulties. Her cheetah limbs metamorphosed into draconic appendages, propelling her to kick the earth with such force that a gust of wind repelled the encroaching shadows. Receding to his own shadow, the horde regrouped, leaving Izuku to squint and contemplate. 'Masumi is absent, Tenko and Toya incapacitated. Only Liliya, Himiko, and I possess the capability to counter Chimera—.' Izuku's musings were abruptly truncated as action surged forth.

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