Chapter 46: The Blank Period IV

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Haru snorted, trying to suppress a tiny laugh. "It was dreadful, Keiko." The pall that had draped over the duo had begun to dissipate. They then left the school and went to the courtyard beneath their classroom window, where they divided to look about.

Haru frowned as she remembered Katsuki's words. "Most of the best first-string heroes have stories about them from their school days. Many sensed they were destined for greatness even back then. That's what people will say about me after I'm the only kid from this shithole school to make it to Yuuei."

[Project 42 Arc] The Blank Period IV

"Doubt is an uneasy and dissatisfied state from which we struggle to free ourselves and pass into the state of belief; while the latter is a calm and satisfactory state which we do not wish to avoid, or to change to a belief in anything else."Charles Sanders Peirce

-You Can Be A Hero Too-

Haru proceeded on her way to perform her errands after some reassurances from Keiko, leaving Keiko to walk home alone. Despite Haru's dedication and reassurances, Keiko's mind was soon filled with doubt with each step she took.

'You've got the weakest quirk in class.'

'No way! Not gonna happen.'

'You're below the rest of these rejects and extras! Your quirk is the worst one in this whole class!'

'Just pray that you'll be born with a quirk in your next life and take a swan dive off the roof of the building.'

As she drew to a halt, Keiko closed her eyes, Katsuki's words still echoing in her thoughts. Keiko struggled to stifle her thoughts. 'You can't just go about telling people to kill themselves, you idiot. What if I actually did jump? What would he do in that case?'

Keiko sighed as she continued walking. 'All I need to do is think of something nice. Perhaps the heroes this morning. I still need to take notes on what I observed.'

Keiko remembered Katsuki nonchalantly throwing out her notebook as though it were trash. She stroked her fingers nonchalantly over the charred cover of her book, looking down. She was fortunate that it had only received minor burns. What if it had gotten into the koi tank? It was not a nice concept to consider that her dreams could have become fish food.

'But, as Haru stated, we are going to get into Isamu and show everyone that we have what it takes to be heroes. Haru will make certain of it. Even if she has to drag me across the finish line...though I think she's upset about the section Bakugo read...'

Keiko was oblivious to her surroundings as she entered a short tunnel. She didn't notice the mud and slime slithering out of the manhole cover behind her.

'...But what if she becomes so preoccupied with helping me that she misses her chance? I couldn't even get a little notebook back inside. How can I help but bring her down with me?'

Keiko smacked her cheeks with both hands. "Stop thinking that way. Have faith in yourself. Just... grin and act like All Might!" Keiko laughed and lifted her hands, her declaration reverberating along the tunnel.

"Well, would you look at that?"

Keiko paused her laughter and turned, shocked to hear someone else alongside her. She gazed up in horror as a massive mound of green slime reformed and a hideous visage stared down at her. "A bad guy!"

"Looks like I found the perfect skinsuit for hiding!"

Keiko turned to run, but she didn't get more than a few steps before the mud villain slammed down on her. Keiko opened her mouth to scream for aid, and the sludge took advantage of the moment to force a tendril down her throat.

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