THE DAY CAME WHEN NISHA HAD TO GO. Her cousin at the Last Hearth didn't come to get her, so she started to pack up her things again. While she emptied her chambers from her belongings, she couldn't help but think about last night. What happened was a fever dream, but something that she regretted. She believed she spooked Ramsay when she- out of the blue, pulled him in for a kiss. She was brave for doing that but instantly felt embarrassed later when he had walked hurriedly away from her like she was a creep.
Nisha fell back to her bed. "Oh gods..." She buried her face in her arms with a long sigh then told herself, "I should apologize to him before I go."
A knock on the door interrupted her. She pulled away from the bed then dragged herself to open it. "Yes?"
Eyes touched by winter came to greet her. "May I come in?"
Nisha dropped her jaw. She wasn't prepared yet to face Ramsay early in the morning after what unfolded last night. But she let him come in anyway. "Of course, my lord."
With his hands clasped behind his back, he circled her chamber, eyeing its surrounding. Then, Ramsay noticed her caged owl together with her baggage beside the bed. "You're already leaving?"
"Yes, my lord. I told you I'd leave if my cousin Mighar still didn't come to get me. It's been three weeks, my Lord; although I'm very grateful for your hospitality, I have urgent matters to attend to in the Last Hearth."
"I cannot just send you out all alone. If you want to go badly, I'll have my guards to accompany you."
"That is too much, my lord."
"Your safety is my priority, my lady." Ramsay moved toward her, though stopped at an arm's length. "Although, if I were to be honest..." He paused to let out a sigh, and then his voice turned low but it was silvery. It was smooth. "I don't want you to leave at all. I just want you to stay."
Nisha pulled her eyebrows down. "...Why?"
"These past few days, you can't deny how we bonded. You grew on me Lady Nisha. I felt drawn to you... connected to you, and I know you do to."
She was silent. His words left her stranded... because it was true.
"If I let you go, you'd bring my heart with you, and I would be empty inside."
"Ramsay..." She uttered, though didn't speak anything further, just the sound of his name. Now she didn't know what to do. She wanted to do the right thing- give justice to Jon Arryn's death, but her longingness of this kind of affection was clouding her judgment.
"Marry me."
"Huh?" Lady Nisha blinked back, eyes wide like an owl. His suddenness pulled her away from her wandering thoughts.
"Marry me, Lady Nisha of the Vale. Let us seal what we have."
"But...I..." This was so surreal to her. One moment she was kissing her admired person, now he's here asking her to marry him. It was all too fast. Not that she's complaining, it's not the right timing. "I'm betrothed to someone else."
"You told me you were still waiting to be betrothed."
"I'm not. I'm to be wed with..." She dropped her gaze on the floor. She couldn't meet his eyes for lying. "With Robin Arryn, Lord of the Vale."
"That titty-sucking spoiled brat?" Ramsay chuckled unbelievably. "You can't be serious."
Her silence confirmed it and Ramsay's expression went back to being sincere. "This may not be the Eyrie, but at least you are happy here. And my people... they love you." He trod near her until he towered her delicate frame. "We love you."

WELL FLAYED [Game Of Thrones: The Boltons]
FanfictionA lost stranger stumbled upon Dreadfort and was welcomed by its host - famed for the flayed skins of his enemies. ________________ After escaping the Vale, Lady Nisha was welcomed as a guest in Dreadfort by its bastard heir, Ramsay Snow. His kind sm...