6. Jealousy, Jealousy

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THE SKIES WERE WARM. The sun had made a rare appearance after the long days of gloomy clouds. It brought a new light to Dreadfort, and with the smiles and laughter the Lady Nisha of the Vale caused, everything wasn't so bleak anymore.

The people were glad that she was there. Glad that she lessened the ruthless atmosphere surrounding their realm. And now that she was betrothed to the man they all feared, they only hoped that like the icicles under the sun, she would melt his cold heart and change.

The breeze was fresh and tamed, flowers started to bloom, and people were happy. But there's a single person who despised the turnaround of events. One who was more comfortable with the cold caress of Dreadfort than the smiling sun above.

"Are you happy my lady?" Myranda asked as she combed Nisha's brunette wild waves into submission. "You will finally become the Lady of the Dreadfort, and not of the Vale anymore."

They were in front of a mirror that sat atop a vanity table. Nisha eyed Myranda's reflection then gave her a smile. "Of course, I am. But I am more excited to be with him than the title that will be given to me."

Myranda smiled back, but there was something in her eyes that remained stoic. "You love him?"

"Love him..." She repeated, as if she were testing the words in her mouth. Then, she giggled. "If it means feeling butterflies on my stomach everytime I see him, and getting weak on my knees everytime he holds my hand and kisses my... cheek... then maybe yes."

Myranda accidentally pulled her hair roughly. It made Nisha suddenly yelp. "Ow!"

"Oops! Sorry." But she wasn't really sorry. She did it on purpose.

"N-no, it's alright."

"Mi'lady, you do know the feeling of love is not enough in a marriage, right?"

"Not enough?" Nisha flinched at how ridiculous it sounded. "Why not?"

Myranda glanced below her then gave Nisha a smirk. "It must be fueled with lust too. It keeps the thrill to everything."

"But I've heard if you truly love someone, that thrill would not die in your relationship."

"That's what lazy and boring people say... and Ramsay gets bored easily. If you want to keep him happy, then..."

Nisha did not stay looking at her in the mirror. She looked back to actually stare at her in the face. "Then what?"

"You must fuck his brains out."

Myranda knew that it's not a way to talk to a lady, but she didn't give any single shit. When she noticed how silent and flushed Nisha got, she burst out chuckling. "Don't worry, my lady. I am only joking."

"Oh..." But the red on her cheeks were still there. It's not like lewd things shocked her. It was because she felt a tinge of panic when she realized she'd had to do that eventually, and she was not ready. She was as untouched as a cactus in a dessert- dry as the Dornish sand even.

Myranda raised her brow when she noticed her conflicted face. "Having any second thoughts?"

"N-no. I'm just..." She sighed. A long sigh. "I'm just nervous. I haven't been... physical with someone yet. I didn't even have my first kiss until..." She bit her lower lip, feeling the ghost of his touch there. "Until recently."

Myranda gripped the comb- so tight that her knuckles turned white. Her jaws clenched, but she smiled through it. "Mi'lady..." She bent over to whisper in her ear, her tone was grating like kissing a sandpaper. "On the night of your wedding, be sure not to cry. Because you will be torn."

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