11. Songs of Agony

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NISHA WAS LOCKED AGAIN IN A CHAMBER - but this time, it was their's. The room that she thought would only be filled with nothing but happiness and love, was something far from reality of torment and suffering.

She banged on the doors with her knuckles; she didn't stop until it bled. She screamed until her throat was sore. She cried until her eyes were swollen. Nisha had thought to escape again by climbing down the window, but there were guards waiting for her below. She was running out of ideas, and as she stood there not knowing what to do, she slowly curled up on the floor, then her tiredness swept her off to a deep slumber.

"The Father's face is stern and strong,
he sits and judges right from wrong.
He weighs our lives, the short and long,
and loves the little children."

Nisha woke up with a girl singing. Her voice was as sweet as of a nightingale, soothing her tormented spirit. Her voice was like one of the gods', blessing her tranquility and fortitude. She could've sworn it gave her a brief calm and peace that she so craved for the past few weeks since she sealed her fate with the Snow.

"The Mother gives the gift of life,
and watches over every wife.
Her gentle smile ends all strife,
and she loves her little children."

Wanting to listen more, she got up from her spot then headed for the door. The door was unlocked and when she opened it, there were no more guards blocking her way. She immediately ran to the comforts of the dark hallways, waltzing with the shadows the torches casted, hiding and sneaking. The girl's voice served as her invisible map that led her to the cold embrace of godswood. As she reached the vicinity cloaked in white, the singing became clearer like the shores in Sunspear.

"The Warrior stands before the foe,
protecting us where e'er we go.
With sword and shield and spear and bow,
he guards the little children."

The voice came from not a girl, but a woman with graceful stature. She towered over Nisha like one of the ancient sentinel trees. Nisha couldn't see her appearance though, as she was facing the weirwood tree, but it gave her an unforgiving view of her hair, long and red - kissed by fire.

She seemed to notice Nisha's presence as she suddenly stopped singing. She slowly turned around to regard her and soon, Nisha saw all of her. The woman wore all black with thick cape made of fur, and silver ornaments around her neck. Her eyes were two crystals - sapphire ones, and they stared through her. Though, they weren't hostile, they were gentle and compassionate as her unbeatable beauty.

She beckoned Nisha closer, and just like a lost babe finding her mother, she immediately went to her. The woman though appeared so kind, there were strength and wisdom hidden and stored behind; she slightly leaned to Nisha to touch her cheek. Her palm caressed her soft skin.

She continued to sing...

"The Crone is very wise and old,
and sees our fates as they unfold.
She lifts her lamp of shining gold
to lead the little children."

Another hand tugged Nisha from behind. It forced her to get up and alertly flick her eyes open. What met her drowsy sight was the worried face of Violet.

"Pardon me, mi'lady, you made me worried!" Violet gushed as she helped Nisha carefully sit on the bed. "You were lying on the floor, unresponsive!"

Nisha blinked a couple of times to calm down the blurriness of her sight. The staleness of Ramsay's chamber brought her back to her senses. There was no longer cold snow under her feet, nor the whistling red leaves of the weirwood tree, nor the tall woman clad in black - bewitching her with mystery.

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