6. Below The Castlewalls

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MYRANDA HELD A SCROLL from a squire early morn. Her heart beat faster once she saw the four linked chain of the sigil. She immediately went to her chamber, sat on her vanity table, ripped the seal, then uncurled the scroll.

There was a tiny four-petalled pink flower pressed inside. She set it aside then read the letter.

'This flower sprang at the edge of a blossoming field, as if it was there to see what's beyond. It reminds me of you.

There is a world outside other than the dreadful woods and the vast plain of snow. It is waiting for us. Just say the word, and we'll elope together.

Yours truly
Your dance partner.'

She held the scroll close to her bosoms, as if she could embrace the person who wrote it. Ser Mighar Umber, she slowly smiled. Myranda couldn't help but further dream a life away from the North, away from the Dreadfort, away from the Boltons. But could she ever leave the bastard who had marked her? Bitterness returned to her, then, she crumpled the scroll and threw it at the burning hearth.

"Dreaming are for hopeless people." She whispered as the flames ate the piece of parchment into nothing but ash.


Her door of her chamber was forcefully swung open, hitting the nearby wall.

Myranda turned sharply behind her to glare who had rudely barged in. It was Violet, another maidservant, looking worried and in panic. "What is it?"

"T'is Lady Nisha!"

Myranda practically ran towards the private chambers of the young married couple. Never had she fled this quickly before from her quarters other than being summoned some nights by Ramsay in the dungeons. She shouldn't be this antsy over an urgent calling for the woman she used to despise, but oddly enough, she had grown accustomed serving the lady. 

Violet and Myranda reached the west wing of the keep then as they neared the chamber, Myranda noticed two guards standing by the door. A rumbling and screaming inside could be heard, it made Myranda fidgety. "What is happening?"

Violet did not answer her, instead, she proceeded toward the door. The guards let her pass, then Myranda followed.

The room inside was cluttered with broken furnitures. In the midst of all that was Lady Nisha, being the main culprit. She was screaming and throwing and breaking random things, and then slumping on the floor when her actions drained her.

It was Myranda's first time to see her like that- losing her calm, and blowing up in anger. Her eyes even widen when she noticed a huge amount of blood smearing her face and clothes.

Myranda went over her on the floor. She crouched down to level her lady, then gently raised up her chin to look at her. Nisha's eyes were swollen from crying and were tainted with blood. Her lips were quivering from all the screaming, and Myranda just knew how it badly hurt her throat.

With her silent stare, Myranda was trying to figure out how she would fix her. But all left her mind when Nisha suddenly wrapped her arms around her, pulling her in a tight embrace.

She clung to her like they would take her away, and it startled Myranda that she couldn't say anything but to state the obvious. "You're bleeding."

Nisha sobbed on her shoulder, her tears soaking her clothes. "It's not mine."

But Myranda stroke her tangled hair, as if her single touch would hush her. "Good."


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