RAMSAY SNOW AND LORD ROOSE BOLTON were alone in the great hall. They had been there since early in the morning discussing about their house joining the Umbers. Roose knew that the Umbers were stubborn and prideful, they wouldn't just bend the knee to any houses but house Stark. And considering the Boltons' reputation that everyone seemed to frown upon, the Umbers wouldn't easily agree into fealty with them. However, the marriage of Ramsay and Nisha might change that. The next step was that to convince Lord Noxus Umber to bless it.
"We must show him that his only daughter is in good hands with us, but also show all the advantages he can get with our house." Lord Roose stated. "He can't just give his daughter with nothing in return."
"I know, father." Ramsay nodded thoughtfully. "Well for one, we have the most men- the vicious of them. He can depend on us with our blood-thirsty armies."
"You get creative with your words, Ramsay."
His bastard son gave him a proud smirk.
"I want you to avoid doing that when the Umbers arrive. I don't want Lord Noxus to have awful ideas about you that will make him take his daughter away."
Now Ramsay's smile dropped and was exchanged with a bitter glare. He understood what his father said, but it pissed him off. "Fine. I'll try to act nice and warm, father."
Roose decided to ignore his son's sardonic attitude and just continued to write a letter of contract that he would make use when Lord Umber arrived. His sudden silence irked Ramsay. "Anything to say next, Lord Father?"
Roose only waved him off. "You're dismissed."
Ramsay rolled his eyes then attempted to leave. However, he stopped on his tracks when the doors to the great hall burst open. The sudden commotion made Lord Roose look up alertly from his parchments.
There at the distance, was a servant boy, clearly out of breath from running. "Mi'lords!"
"You dimwit!" Ramsay scolded, yelling. "You cannot just barge in he-"
"It's Lady Nisha!"
The trepidation in his voice caused Ramsay and Roose to exchange alarmed glances. Ramsay turned back to the servant boy. "What about her?"
RAMSAY SNOW NEVER PASSED THE secret passageway to the back of the curtain walls of the Dreadfort so quickly before. He first saw Aengus standing on his path when he reached outside. His huge frame was blocking him so Ramsay shouted at him in agitation to move aside. As Aengus did so, Ramsay froze. The image before him was haunting.
There on the snow filled ground lied Lady Nisha, his beautiful betrothed. She was wearing the light yellow silk gown that he gave to her; it accentuated her tawny bronze complexion and her light brown eyes. However, in that moment, the glow of her faded as her body stayed on the snow, motionless. Her eyes were closed, tiny particles of snowflakes hung on her long curled eyelashes. It appeared like she was sleeping, but the dripping blood from her mouth told another story.
Mir was never leaving her side, guarding her mistress from anyone who dared to touch her. On her other side was Myranda, standing quietly in tears.
But Ramsay knew those tears were fake. "What have you done, Myranda?"
She continued to sob. "We were just looking at the flowers when she ate the poisonous berries. I tried to stop her but it was too late!"
"Stop her? Really?" Ramsay's tone was condescending. He then glanced at Aengus. "Leave us." The guard nodded obediently and as soon as they were left alone, he brought back his attention at the suspected handmaiden. "I'm asking you again, Myranda. What have you done?"

WELL FLAYED [Game Of Thrones: The Boltons]
Fiksi PenggemarA lost stranger stumbled upon Dreadfort and was welcomed by its host - famed for the flayed skins of his enemies. ________________ After escaping the Vale, Lady Nisha was welcomed as a guest in Dreadfort by its bastard heir, Ramsay Snow. His kind sm...