9. Father, Father

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AT SUPPER, LORD ROOSE BOLTON sat at the head of the table; next to his right was Nisha, and beside her was Ramsay. The atmosphere surrounding them was intense and silent as they ate. However, it was more in Nisha's head, given that she was seated between two men who exhumed clashing dominance and coldness. It was like sitting bare out in the blizzard, making her stiff and uneasy.

"So, Lady Nisha..." Lord Roose Bolton began after sipping his hard ale. His tone was chilly like the breath of a ghost. "You're the only child of Lord Noxus Umber, am I right?"

"Yes, my lord." Her voice was timid. She felt intimidated under Lord Roose's pale and bitter gaze.

First time he saw this shy girl was in a serf's clothes, standing behind Ramsay for a reason he did not know yet. He wasn't able to appreciate her until she appeared at supper dressed in opulence. It was the only time he considered her nobility.

With her brunette hair braided, neck and ears decorated with matching set of jewelries, and her majestic peach colored dress covered in flowing rhinestones, Lord Roose could see why his son was eager to have her. She was beautiful and elegant. However, he must know if their pairing would be beneficial to their house.

"Last time I heard, you were sent to the Vale to be betrothed. Is this true?"

"Yes, Lord Roose."

"To whom?"

"To Lord Robin Arryn of the Eyrie. I was to wait until he comes of age."

"The Arryns are one of the powerful houses in the North. Why would you just forsake your future with them, by choosing my bastard son instead?"

Lord Roose's words were filled with venom. He did not care if it's hurtful to his son. He could be very brutal in terms of forcing out the truth.

Lady Nisha glimpsed at Ramsay, concerned of his hurt feelings. But there was nothing. He remained stoic, as if already immune to his father's disparages.

"I understand that the Eyrie is beneficial to me and my house, but I can no longer take being someone who's not free to chose anything." Nisha simply answered. It wasn't the full truth but it's one of her reasons. "I want to love and not be sold. So I fled."

Roose was incredulous to hear her affections. He wanted to test it further. "And you love Ramsay?"

Nisha glimpsed at Ramsay. She caught him staring back at her, yearning for her reply. "Yes." She smiled faintly as she placed her hand on his on the table. "I love your son."

"And you know full well that he's my illegitimate son?"

Nisha returned her sincere look at Roose. "Yes." The ardent glow in her brown doe eyes was challenging him. "I desire his heart. Not his title."

Lord Roose was silent for a moment, taking his time to process all of Nisha's answers that sounded so certain. Then after a long while, he spoke again. "The Arryns... what if they take you back." He wasn't asking. He was demanding for a response.

"They won't."

"You sound so sure. Why is that?"

"Lysa Arryn despises me." She admitted. "She wants to get rid of me, so I tried to get ahead of her."

"Does your family know?"

"They know that I'm in Dreadfort and is about to marry Ramsay."

"Only if I allow it."

"Father." Ramsay went in. "Come on, give it a chance. Just think about our houses: Umbers and Boltons finally into fealty. We would be unstoppable."

Nisha noticed something, and it made her draw back her hand from Ramsay's. While she was pouring her heart out to convince Lord Roose, Ramsay was trying to reason about power.

Her mind was yelling at her that it wasn't fair. However, she tried to shrug her toxic thought. She did not know Lord Roose like Ramsay do. For all she knew, he was doing this to bait his father- as he gave off an aura of a power-hungry man.

"Hmm..." Lord Roose massaged his temples as he thought thoroughly about their proposals. He wasn't a fool to only base his judgment on a silly girl's feelings. However, the image of House Umber being bound by duty to them was something he could consider. After all, the Last Hearth had great lands and had a large number of soldiers. They would make a good use of them.

"Alright. I will bless this marriage."

Nisha and Ramsay smiled in relief. They shared excited glances then returned holding hands. "Thank you, father." Ramsay uttered.

Roose ignored him, but proceeded to speak to Nisha. "I expect your father to come here to discuss the terms of our houses joining."

"Yes, my lord." Nisha was grinning. "I will send a raven as soon as possible."


BACK IN THE LAST HEARTH, the news of Lady Nisha's sudden engagement to Ramsay Snow had put bedlam in House Umber. Lord Noxus could not believe it that his daughter had to fake her own death just to get away from the Vale. All his efforts to arrange her with the heir of the Eyrie just vanished. He was very devastated.

"It is official." Lord Noxus muttered in frustration as he and his nephew- Mighar meandered around the hallways of their castle's keep. "My only daughter is going to marry Roose's bastard son in Dreadfort. Why did she disobey me like this? I find it hard to understand."

"It is highly possible that she is forced." Mighar bitterly replied. "That Ramsay Snow is a vicious man. He is not worthy of any love, so why would Nisha fall for him? It's bullshit."

"Nisha probably didn't know about him. She was raised in Dorne and she was sent to permanently stay here in the North just recently. She doesn't know what awful stories have brewed here."

"Then we must go to Dreadfort immediately to really know of her state. It's not too late to rescue her."

"You have a point, Mighar, but let us not overreact. I don't want to steal her choices again and make her run away." Noxus said sadly. He regretted not paying attention to what her daughter really wanted. It kept them apart.

"I understand." Mighar nodded, but the fight was still there in his cerulean eyes. "However, we must be cautious. The Boltons cannot be trusted. If there's a need to pry her out from their grasps, I would not hesitate to draw forth my sword."

"I know, nephew." Lord Noxus patted Mighar on the back. "But, save your fiery vigor for now. We're going to Dreadfort in two days, and I need you in your best behavior as to not provoke the heathens."

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