8. The Proposal

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THE FESTIVITIES WAS IN THE market town, Oldwood, kept Nisha and Yorr distracted that they didn't notice it was late at night. They tried many things. They ate, they played, they gambled, they bought - that they were tired and full once they left with their wagon.

The trail in the forest was dark and ghastly. It's friendly image in the morning vanished as the shadows took over. However, the two were unfazed by this. They couldn't be bothered with their laughter resonating the whole place.

"You are so bad with darts as you are with arrows!" Yorr commented, still couldn't stop laughing.

"Hey!" Nisha playfully shoved him. "I hit something with my last dart!"

"Of course. I remember the man yelling when you hit his arse."

There was a sudden silence between the two. It was short-lived though, when they broke out laughing again.

"I really enjoyed my day with you, Yorr." Nisha mumbled once they calmed down. Then, she comfortably snuggled at his side. "You're my bestest friend."

"Mi'lady..." Yorr's tone was serious for a moment. "Are you sure about becoming a Bolton?"

"You mean if I'm sure about marrying Lord Ramsay?" Nisha giggled sweetly. "Of course!"


"He's a cynic and always skeptical, but he's benevolent. He's kind to me. And I can see with our houses joining, there would be a great future ahead of us."

"You really believe that, huh?"

Nisha rolled her eyes then returned sitting straight. "Are all people in Dreadfort this cynic?"

"Mi'lady..." Yorr tried to be gentle. "You have a pure soul. And our Lord? I don't even know if he still has a soul."

All of the smiles and giggles from her faded as she frowned at Yorr. "Why do you talk like this to him? It's disrespectful."

"I'm sorry, mi'lady. I'm not trying to be. I'm only saying that... Boltons' blades are always sharp. I just don't want you to be cut."

"What do you me-"

They heard rustling ahead of them, then, it was followed by the loud noise of galloping horses. It was a band of guardsmen, all armed. They held a sigil of a flayed man.

They blocked their path so the two were forced to stop their wagon. A black horse came forward. Mounted on it was non other than their bastard lord, Ramsay Snow. His eyes were fixed with a sharp glare, and lips pressed together tightly as his jaws clenched. By the looks of it, he was very infuriated.

"You're blocking our way. Move aside." Ramsay commanded threateningly. He did not recognize both of them right away since they were in disguise.

His hounds were at his side, growling and drooling at them, waiting for their master's signal to devour if they still didn't move out the way. Yorr gripped Nisha's hand. They exchanged looks alarmingly.

"My lord, it's me!" She spoke up before he could do the worse. She removed her serf's hat and it revealed her long luscious dark brunette hair gushing down.

Ramsay was bewildered and incredulous. "Lady Nisha?" He then pivoted his glare at the man beside her. Without hesitation, Ramsay pointed his bow and arrow at him. It made his guardsmen to pull out their swords too. "Your foolishness of kidnapping a Lady is beyond punishable." He uttered in a low and ill-tempered pitch. Ramsay was ready to set his arrow free into his head.

"No! Wait!" Nisha covered Yorr from his aim. "He did not kidnap me! I came with him willingly!"

Ramsay still didn't lose his aim. "What were you thinking being with a stranger?!"

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