she wants your attention

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"I had the longest day today," Minji said with a sigh as she sat down on the sofa beside you. "How about you, baby? How was your day off? Did you enjoy it?"

"Yeah." You said as you continued to stare ahead at the tv screen. "It was fine."

"That's good." She said as she glanced at the tv and then back at you.

Seeing you stare at the tv screen and pay all of your attention to the show you've been binge-watching made her feel a little sad.

The only thing that has been keeping her going all day today was getting to come home to you, where she thought you'd bring her in for kisses and hugs and make everything better.

So seeing you concentrate on that rather than her made her yearn for you and your attention.

She looked at you and breathed out a dramatic sigh, hoping it would get your attention.

But you just continued to watch the tv.

So she did it again, but this time more dramatically.

"Hm," She sighed and watched you look at her from the corner of your eye.

But you didn't shift your attention to her the way she hoped you would.

So she gave up on that and decided to do something else instead.

She scooted closer to you and tugged at the hem of your sweater before laying her cheek on your shoulder.

Her gaze rested on you and a sad pout appeared on her lips.



"Are you busy?"

"Just watching the rest of this episode." You said. "Why?"

"What do you mean why?" She grumbled, her pout turning into a scowl. "Pay attention to me!"

You chuckled and turned your head to kiss her forehead softly, making her scowl turn into a bright smile.

She closed her eyes and basked in the feeling of your warm lips lingering on her skin.

It made her happy.

But after a few seconds, you pulled away and looked back at the tv again.

"No," She whined before moving to sit on your lap.

She buried her face in your neck and put her arms around you to hug you tight.

"Minji," You giggled. "I'm trying to watch this."

She huffed and pulled away.

But not to pull away from you.

But rather to reach for the remote and pause the show before tossing it across the room.


"Pay attention to me." She pouted. "I missed you today."

You realized then how much she wanted your attention and how you'd been too focused on the tv to pay any of it to her.

And that's not how you wanted things to be.

So you put your arms around her and brought her closer to you before leaning in to put your lips on hers.

"I'm sorry." You said as you brushed your hand across her back. "I just got caught up."

"It's okay." She smiled. "I just missed you a lot. Coming home to you has been the only thing that got me through today. So I was just a little sad and a little needy for your attention."

"Yeah? Well, I don't mind. I think it's cute." You said as you kissed her face, making her giggle happily. "That better?"

"A little. But please don't go back to watching your show just yet. Keep paying attention to me."

Your heart fluttered over how sweet she was, making you wonder how you ever got to be so lucky.

"Okay, cutie. I'm all yours, don't worry."

She grinned and held onto you a little tighter as everything felt right again.

Minji Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now