out of love (requested)

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Author's Note: This chapter is one of the most devastating ones I've written in a while, at least for me. I don't often give song suggestions for my stories because I listen to so much music especially while I write but I had only four on loop and I think they fit well with this chapter.

So if you want some sad music to go along with this, I highly suggest listening to: Out of Love by Alessia Cara, So Long London, loml, and you're losing me by Taylor Swift. They're all very fitting for this one.

I hope you all enjoy 💓


You've been feeling it for a long while now.

The spark and romance that was once so strong between you and Minji seems to have faded.

You've felt it from the way she doesn't show affection any longer, how she no longer seems to care or appreciate the things you do for her, and she never tries to do the loving things she used to do for you all the time before.

As you lay in bed with her, you had tried to take her hand but she pulled it away from you and turned over so her back was facing you.

It was yet another act of love that she's avoided and you couldn't hold back the tears filling your eyes.

You sat up and turned the lamp on and an annoyed groan left Minji's lips before she rolled over to look at you.

When she saw the tears in your eyes, her reaction proved to you that your suspicions were correct - there was no love there anymore.

Before, she would be so quick to pull you in for a comforting hug and would dry all of the tears falling from your eyes.

But now, she seems annoyed as she rolls her brown eyes at you and just says one word to you,


"Is there someone else?" You wondered as you anxiously played with your fingers.

"No. Why would you even ask that?" She asked as she sat up.


"What?" She groaned and ran her fingers through her long black hair.

"I know you're not in love with me anymore." You said before exhaling shakily. "So why are you still here with me? To torture me?"

She clenched her jaw slightly before looking away from you, letting her gaze land on the blanket on her lap.

"How long have you felt this way? When did you fall out of love?"

She took a deep breath before looking at you again.

"A couple of months."

You nodded wordlessly and blinked away the tears in your eyes.

Deep down, you've known this for a few weeks now but for so long you've been trying to hold on and think of ways that you could get her to fall back in love with you.

But it was gone; you know that for certain now that you've heard the words leave her lips.

"You could've just said that and left sooner."

"You think it's easy to say aloud?" She asked before sinking her teeth into her lip. "I might've fallen out of love with you but I don't hate you. I still care about you and, perhaps, part of me just never wanted to tell you that the love was gone."

Your lower lip trembled but you tried so hard to keep her from seeing it.

"I hope you don't hate me." She whispered.

"I could never hate you." You confessed and looked into her eyes. "Right now, I kinda wish that I felt the same way you do. But I don't. I still love you."

You hung your head and let out a heavy breath.

"But what can you do? This is part of life. People fall out of love sometimes. I can't make you feel differently, just like you can't make me not love you."

The guilt sank in for Minji, though that was not your intention.

You understand that people fall out of love sometimes and that's out of your control.

You can't make her love you nor would you ever want to.

"I hope you know that when I was in love with you, I loved you more than anything in the world. I don't think it was either of us or anything anyone said or did. It just... happened. We just lost that spark."

"Yeah." You quietly said. "I understand, bab-"

You stopped yourself before you could finish calling her baby; something you adored calling her but knew that you couldn't anymore, not when you knew she was no longer in love with you.

"Minji," You finished and stared at your lap.

It was quiet for a moment before she spoke again.

"I don't know where we should go from here. In the morning, we can discuss living arrangements and what to do but for tonight, I think it would be best if I slept in the guest room."

"Okay." You quietly said.

You didn't want her to catch the crack in your voice or sense that there was a lump in your throat... but she did.

"I'll see you in the morning." She said as she gathered her things and began to walk out of the bedroom, only to pause and look back at you. "I'm sorry I've been a little mean lately with pushing you away. I guess I just didn't know how to say any of this to you and thought it would be easier to do that instead. Maybe you would fall out of love too."

She sent you a sad look as you stared at her in silence.

And when she went to walk out, you spoke.

"I told you that I understand. I mean that, Minji. I know that happens and there's nothing I can do to change it. I won't beg you to fall in love with me again or to stick around; that's unfair to us both. But just know one thing... I won't ever fall out of love with you."

She didn't let you see the tear that fell down her cheek or the way her bottom lip trembled as she held back a sob.

Things have been over for a while between you.

But Minji won't ever deny that for so long, you were the love of her life and the one person she would want to grow old with and have a family with someday, when the time was right.

She doesn't think she'll ever find that again, no matter how much she searches the world or how hard she loves someone else.

At the end of the day, even though it wasn't mean to be, you were the love of her life and she'll never find what you two had together at one point.

And you know that your future holds the same fate; Minji wasn't the one but no one else will ever compare to her or what you once had.

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