she comforts you (requested)

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You couldn't help but groan as you opened your tired eyes.

Your head began to pound immediately and you felt a rush of dizziness come over you.

This made your stomach turn and you leaned over your bed to get sick into the trash can once again.

You spent a couple of minutes throwing up and whining in agony before you wiped your lips and laid back down.

This is how most of your day has been.

You've been sick to your stomach, coming down with what you assume is some sort of stomach virus.

You're completely miserable and have tried to get as much rest as you can so you can escape the awful sick feeling that keeps coming back.

But now, much to your dismay, you're awake.

You're not disappointed about that just because you're sick, although that was one major reason.

The other big reason you felt disappointed to be awake was because you could hear the storm going on outside.

You were surprised to see that the sun had set, which meant that you had slept a little longer than you thought.

It was after eight o'clock, almost nine, and the thunder was crashing outside your window.

It was so loud it even made the house shake a little.

A rush of anxiety and fear flooded over you because you're terrified of thunder.

You didn't care about the heavy rain or the lightning crashing outside.

You only felt fear over the loud claps of thunder.

All you wanted was to get back to sleep to escape your fear and sickness.

But the sound of your phone ringing made you jump.

You reached for it as you pulled your blanket over your head.


"Hey, baby. I haven't heard from you since this afternoon and I got worried. It's thundering and I know you're sick. Are you doing alright?" Minji worriedly asked.

As terrible as you felt, she still made a smile pull at your lips.

Because she cares and it's a really good feeling, especially during moments like these.

"I-I think so." You mumbled.

But then, you jumped and a gasp left your lips as soon as you heard the thunder again.

"Baby, are you sure you're alright?"

"No." You sighed. "But I'll be okay if you could just stay on the phone with me for a while until I fall asleep."

"Why would I do that when I could just come over and stay the night with you?"

"No, Minji, don't." You quickly spoke. "Baby, as much as I'd love that, I'm sick and I might be contagious. With how busy you and the girls are, you can't afford to get sick right now. Besides, it's bad out there. I don't want you coming."

She let out a heavy sigh in response.

"Get some rest, okay?" She said. "I love you."

It wasn't the response you were expecting but you did appreciate it and you thought she was taking your words into consideration.

"Okay. I love you too." You said. "I know I said I wanted you to stay on the phone with me but I'm already falling asleep again."

"That's okay. I've got some stuff to do so I'll let you go and sleep." She replied. "Sleep tight, baby."

"Goodnight, baby." You spoke before falling asleep.

The phone slipped out of your hand and you lifted the covers off your head before you were out like a light.

However, you woke up again not long after.

You could feel someone playing with your hair and the realization made your eyes go wide.

You quickly turned around to see who it was and you breathed out a sigh of relief upon seeing that it was Minji.

"You scared me." You said before yawning. "What are you doing here, Minji? I told you not to come over!"

"You thought I would listen?" She joked, chuckling. "Baby, come on. Don't be upset with me. I had to come over and take care of you. You're sick and it's thundering bad, which I know that you're afraid of. I just want to be here for you."

"I'm not upset, baby. As sweet as it is that you came to be with me, I'm worried that you might get sick. I'm probably contagious. I feel truly terrible. You can't risk catching this."

She sighed before wrapping her arms around you to pull you close.

"That's the least of my worries right now." She said as she kissed your head. "Just let me take care of you. You know you'd do the same for me, no matter how much I said for you to stay away so you don't catch it."

You knew she was right about that.

If she was in your shoes, nothing would stop you from being there for her.

"Okay. I understand. I guess it will be nice having you here to comfort me and keep me warm. I need it. I need you."

"I'm right here. I've got you." She whispered and smiled slightly. "I'm not going anywhere."

"I love you, Minji."

"I love you even more, Y/N," She said as she kissed your head again. "Get some more sleep. If you feel sick again or you need anything at all, just let me know. I'll be right here with you."

You nodded as you laid your head on her chest and closed your heavy eyes.

Minji smiled to herself as she watched you fall asleep in her embrace, safe and sound despite the sickness you had and the thunder outside.

With her, no matter what was going on, you would always be safe.

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