you're on your period and clingy (requested)

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Minji smiled as she continued to brush her fingers through your hair.

It seemed as though you were finally starting to fall asleep in her arms, the exhaustion and fatigue from your period beginning to overtake you.

Minji is relieved because she knows just how terrible you're feeling right now.

It's been a rough day so far.

It's only a little after one in the afternoon but you've been up since six a.m. and, as if she could sense that something was off, she awoke around the same time.

Your period had begun but you were out of pads and without any hesitation, in just a heartbeat, Minji offered to go and pick you up some more.

But it wasn't just your period starting that made the day rough.

You had bled through the sheets since your cycle has been all over the place lately, meaning that it started early unexpectedly.

You bled through your pajama bottoms and Minji was more than happy to wash everything.

Before she left to get you more pads, she put down fresh sheets and made sure you had cozy blankets covering you and that you were warm in your fluffy pajamas and her shirt.

Then your cramps hit.

Then you felt sick to your stomach, nearly vomiting a couple of times, though you thankfully didn't.

And it just seemed as though symptom after symptom started as you became even more miserable with a pounding headache, the chills, your muscles aches, and you felt beyond exhausted.

Minji held you and tried to do her very best to comfort you through it all since she knows just how awful periods can be.

But now that you're falling asleep, she figured it would be a good time to go and make some lunch.

Maybe you'd feel a little better when you woke up from your much-needed and well-deserved nap and you'd want to eat.

She kissed your forehead lovingly, letting her lips linger on your soft skin for just a few seconds.

She unwrapped her arms from around you and gently placed your head, which rested on her chest originally, on one of her cozy pillows.

She smiled to herself as you stirred slightly but, thankfully, you didn't wake up.

So she made sure you were covered up with the blankets and that you were sound asleep before going downstairs.

She hummed to herself as she began to gather different things she'd need to make some lunch.

But after probably just three minutes, she felt you hug her from behind.

"Baby, why are you up?" She asked as she turned around to face you. "You should be resting."

"I can't. You're not there beside me." You said with a pout. "Why'd you leave me?"

"Because I was going to make us some lunch, cutie." She smiled.

You buried your face in her neck as you hugged her tight.

"Is someone a little clingy today?" She teased as she stared at you with an adoring smile and brushed her hands across your back.

"Yes. I can't help it, I don't feel good. I need you."

"I'm right here, baby." She whispered.

"You weren't a few minutes ago." You reminded her as you gazed into her eyes.

She playfully rolled her eyes at you before sending you an even brighter smile than before.

"Okay, okay. I guess we can just order takeout."

"Yay!" You replied. "Now we can go back upstairs and cuddle?"

"Absolutely." She said.

You took her hand and hurriedly walked upstairs as she followed you, laughing joyfully.

"Come on, Minji. I need cuddles." You pouted as you crawled into bed and Minji grabbed the remote for the TV.

"Okay, clingy girl." She joked as she giggled.

She laid down in bed and you instantly curled up to her, clinging to her again.

"That's better." You said with a happy sigh.

"Much better." She said as she gazed at you lovingly as you did the same to her.

You stole a few kisses from her lips and then put your head on her shoulder as she put her arms around you, holding you close.

"I love you so much." You said.

"I love you more, Y/N,"

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