she cheats on you (requested)

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The sound of voices and laughter coming from upstairs made you freeze the second you walked through the door.

It's been a long and exhausting day and an even harder week and all you wanted was to come home and cuddle with your girlfriend.

You didn't think too much of it at first.

Perhaps the girls were over and just hanging out upstairs.

You know Hanni has been talking about coming over to hang out soon so you figured if it was anyone, it was probably her.

But the closer you got, the more you realized that it couldn't be Hanni.

You're close with Hanni too and you know what her laugh sounds like and that is not her laugh.

But still, you tried not to jump to conclusions.

Maybe it's just a new friend that Minji made or one she's had for a while that you just haven't met yet.

But that wasn't the case at all.

As you climbed the stairs, you called out for your girlfriend and heard voices coming from the bedroom.

"Hurry up, she's coming!" Minji said and you could hear the panic in her tone.

"I thought you said your girlfriend wasn't going to be home for a while."

"I was mistaken, now hurry and get dressed!"

The door was only open a crack so you threw it open the rest of the way and saw a look of fear in Minji's eyes as soon as they met yours.

Beside her was a girl that you had never seen before and she looked panicked as she hugged the sheets against her chest.

"What the hell is going on in here?" You asked, though you knew the answer already.

The girl finished pulling her clothes on before she jumped up from the bed.

"Are you serious, Minji? You're cheating on me?!"

"No!" She quickly said.

"What do you mean 'no'? This girl was in bed with you!"

"Nothing is going on between us." She said as you looked at the stranger.

"I'm sorry." She said before hurrying out of the home you and Minji once happily shared.

"I can't believe you. How long has this been going on? And don't lie to me either! There's obviously something going on between you two, I'm not stupid!"

Minji looked guilty as she lowered her head and anxiously played with her fingers.

"Look at me." You said and her eyes met yours once more a moment later. "Tell me how long!"

"A couple of weeks." She confessed.

"Weeks?" You gasped as tears filled your eyes and many emotions flooded over you. "I can't believe this."

"I'm sorry, Y/N. I don't know what I was thinking." She said as she fixed her messy hair and her shirt before pulling her shorts on. "Please, can we talk?"

She tried to reach for your hand but you pulled it away from her.

"Talk? You cheated on me! No, we can't talk." You said before storming over to the closet.

You grabbed your bag and threw a bunch of clothes into it.

"You're packing? What for?"

"What do you think, Minji? I'm leaving you."

"You can't!" She said as she got up from the bed. "I know I messed up and I'm so sorry."

"Sorry doesn't change anything, Minji! You cheated on me! I can't trust you or look at you the same way!"

You threw your bag over your shoulder before you stormed out of the bedroom and rushed down the stairs as she followed behind you.

"I'm begging you, Y/N! Please don't go. I don't want to lose you."

"Oh, what did you think would happen then if I caught you? I'd just forgive you and put it all behind me?" You asked as you looked into her eyes, watching tears fill them. "You can't think that. You're smart, Minji. You know that's not how it works. You wouldn't ever forgive me if the shoe was on the other foot and, honestly, you shouldn't. Cheating is unforgivable!"

A sob left her lips as she tried to reach out for you again.

"Do not touch me!" You snapped. "I'm done. I will never forgive you for this."

You walked out of the house and out to your car.

"Where are you going to go?"

"None of your business!" You yelled. "We're done, Minji. Why don't you call up your other girlfriend? Maybe you two can work things out. That's clearly who you've been wanting all this time anyway."

"No, it's not. I love you, Y/N, only you."

"What a funny way of showing it." You said as you slammed your car door, rolling the window down just enough for her to hear you. "Because I loved you and cheating on you never crossed my mind even once. I never would've done that to you because I genuinely loved and cared about you. But that's over now. I'm done and I never want to see you again."

"Y/N, please," She begged as you started the car.

"Never, Minji. I mean it." You harshly spoke before pulling out of the driveway, hoping that she would listen and just leave you alone.

Because no matter what she said, you wouldn't ever forgive her for this; not ever.

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