you go into labor (requested)

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"Are you okay?" Minji asked as she sat down beside you on the bed.

She couldn't put her finger on what it was but something just seemed a little off today and was telling her to stay home even though she was needed in the studio.

Throughout your pregnancy, Minji has been there for every single thing, and the one thing that she was not going to miss was the day when your little girl would enter the world.

Your daughter isn't due to enter the world for another three days but Minji knows just as well as you do that she could come anytime now if she chooses.

Minji hasn't been in the studio for a few weeks and that was fine for a while because everyone was so understanding and supportive of her wanting to be present for you during this pregnancy and wanting to take a little hiatus until a couple of months after the baby arrived.

But she's still participating in the comeback that's approaching, at least in the album, and she has to record a few parts today.

However, the second you looked at her, she knew she'd be texting Hanni to pass the word on that she wouldn't be in because she just saw in your eyes that you looked a little anxious.

"I'm okay. I just have cramps."

"Cramps?" She asked, brown eyes going wide. "Are you sure it's cramps? Or is it the start of labor?"

"I don't know." You said as you bit your lip.

You've heard that the start of labor can sometimes feel like this before it picks up as time goes by.

Everything felt fine otherwise so you just weren't sure what was going on.

"Do you want to go to the hospital?"

"No. Even if it is labor, they'll probably send me home. It'd be too early to admit me."

Minji sighed as she began to feel a little on edge too but she knew you were right.

"I'm going to text Hanni to let her know what's going on and to let everyone know that I can't risk coming in." She said before reaching for her phone to send Hanni a text.

She explained the situation and sent the message to Hanni.

She got a reply just a moment later, letting her know that everyone understood and to keep the girls updated because they were beyond excited to meet your' and Minji's little girl.

"Okay, I'm staying here with you." Minji smiled and rubbed your back. "Let me know if you need anything or if things start to change or pick up at all. Until then, let me hold you."

"Alright." You said and sent her a little smile before laying down in her arms.

It didn't take very long before you started to feel more uncomfortable.

It only took maybe an hour for you to start shifting around slightly and Minji brushed her fingers along your skin to try and soothe you.

But when a gasp left your lips as the pain turned from something light to something strong, Minji sat up.

"Is it getting worse?"

You nodded and reached for her hand and she let you hold it tightly.

"It's getting a lot worse, Minji. I think the baby's coming."

It didn't last for very long before the pain faded away.

Minji decided to wait and time how long apart they were and for a little while, she tried to comfort you by letting you hold her hand and whisper encouraging words in your ear as the pain remained too far apart to go in still.

But when they became more frequent and the time between them got shorter, Minji started to get a little antsy and looked at you as you exhaled shakily.


"Yes, my love?" She spoke as she rubbed your back comfortingly.

"Can we head to the hospital?"

"Yeah." She spoke before biting her lip, just to release it from her teeth a second later as a grin pulled at her lips. "Y/N... we're having a baby."

"We are." You excitedly said. "It's finally time."

"It is." She spoke as she put her forehead against yours. "I'm so excited. Let's get going, okay? I'll help you."

She helped you with your shoes before grabbing the bag that you two have packed for a few weeks now.

After pulling the strap up her arm and to her shoulder, she put her arms around you and helped you downstairs to the car.

"I'll text Hanni when we get to the hospital." She said as she got into the driver's seat.

She started the car before you took her hand.

"Is the pain coming back?" She wondered.

You nodded and she felt that your grip was much tighter than before as the pain became more intense.

"That's it. Squeeze my hands, my love. I've got you." She encouraged and you let out a heavy sigh a moment later. "Let's go have a baby."

"I'm ready."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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