you're scared of the dark (requested)

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You were curled up in Minji's arms, enjoying a peaceful night together as you cuddled on the couch and watched a good movie.

Tonight was a good night to stay inside as it's pouring rain outside along with crashes of lightning and claps of thunder on occasion.

You thought you were much safer inside, where Minji was holding you close and kissing your neck softly as you spend some much-needed time together.

"Having fun, baby?" She asked as she tightened her grip on you a little.

"Yeah. I'm enjoying our night together." You said as she took your hand into hers, gently playing with your fingers.

But the sound of thunder crashing nearby startled you, causing you to jump in her embrace.

"It's okay." Minji shushed softly.

But then, the power suddenly went out as it began to downpour once again, and a yelp left your lips in shock.

"It's just the power, my love." She said.

But the darkness was terrifying to you and with no power and it already being dark outside, there was no light whatsoever.

"Minji?" You spoke in a panic.

"I'm still here, baby. I'm still holding you." She said.

You began to tremble as she held you close, causing her to frown though you couldn't see it.

"What's the matter, darling?"

"I'm scared." You said. "I don't like the dark. It terrifies me."

Minji tightened her grip on you even more and kissed your head softly.

It was so dark that you couldn't see a thing, including Minji.

"Why don't we go up to bed and wait out the storm and see if the power comes back on?"

"I don't know. I'm scared."

"I've got you. I'll help you." She said. "Come on, we'll be cozier there."

You got off the sofa and she took your hand before leading you up the stairs very carefully.

You made it to the bedroom and climbed into bed and as soon as Minji was laying down, you were throwing your arms around her to cling to her tightly.

"I'm scared."

"Shh." She shushed. "It's alright. I'm right here. You're safe."

"When do you think the power will come back on?"

"I'm not sure, baby. But here," She paused and grabbed her phone before turning on her flashlight. "There. Does that help?"

You found it sweet how she was trying to think of ways to help you.

Whether that was by holding you, kissing you, or turning on her flashlight.

It was so thoughtful and warmed your heart a little.

"Yeah, a little."

"I think I have some candles somewhere." She said as she got up, looking around for some so the room would light up a little.

She found a few and lit them before turning her flashlight off as she climbed back into bed.

"Better, sweet girl?" She asked as she pulled you close, kissing the corners of your lips.

"Yeah. Thank you."

"You're welcome." She smiled as she grabbed your hands and intertwined your fingers together.

"I'm sorry for being so freaked out. I just hate the dark."

"Darling, everyone is afraid of something. I understand. I'm not going to judge you, I just want to make you feel better."

You kissed her cheek softly, making her smile grow.

"Love you."

"I love you more." She said as she held you. "The storm will be over soon. The power will come back on before we know it. Until then, just focus on me. I won't let you go." She promised.

And you fell even more in love with her as she kept you safe and warm, soothing you until the power would turn back on.

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