clowns (requested)

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Minji placed her phone down on the nightstand with a yawn before turning off the lamp.

The room became pitch black instantly but she didn't mind all that much because you're right there for her to hold onto as she does her very best to fall asleep.

She snuggled up to you as she let her heavy eyes slip shut.

But they didn't stay shut for very long, just a few short seconds.

Because she heard you whimper and she was worried right away.

She turned the lamp back on and stared at you for a couple of seconds, wondering if it was just a little sound and you would just continue to sleep soundly or if it was something else.

She listened closely and her heart dropped when you whimpered once more.

It sounded like one of fear, as if something was bothering you in your sleep.

The sound was found by you pleading quietly, confirming her thoughts that you were having a nightmare.

"No, don't hurt me." You mumbled in your sleep. "Leave us alone. Please, please."

"Baby? Wake  up, my love. You're okay, it's okay. Just open your eyes." She pleaded as she shook your shoulder, trying her hardest to get you to wake up. "Come on, Y/N, open your eyes."

It took a few more seconds before your eyes flew open and you gasped loudly.

You jumped up, freaked out over the touch you felt along your arm, only to relax when you saw that it was only Minji.

"It's just me, baby." She said softly.

You exhaled shakily and buried your head in your hands.

Sweat rolled down your skin and your heart was pounding against your chest.

"I'm sorry." You mumbled.

"No, don't be, baby. You sounded as if you were having a nightmare. I was worried."

"Yeah, I was." You said as you looked at her. "It was bad."

"What was it about?" She asked as she rubbed your back.

"Clowns." You mumbled.

Minji nodded wordlessly.

She should've known better.

You're terrified of clowns but, for her, you decided to watch the scary movie titled 'Killer Klowns from Outer Space', just because she was curious as to what it was about.

It was terrifying.

You barely watched it.

You kept your face buried in her neck, her hoodie, or covered by the blanket practically the entire time.

"I'm so sorry." She sighed. "I should've never turned that on."

"It's okay, Minji." You assured. "I just dreamt about it. They were chasing us and they looked even scarier than in the movie! They were trying to hurt us and I stepped in front of you to keep you safe but more crowded around us and eventually, I couldn't. I couldn't protect you."

"Baby, it's okay. It was just a nightmare. There are no clowns anywhere around us. We're safe."

You moved into her arms and relaxed a little as she held you.

"It was just a terrible nightmare, that's all. Everything's okay." She promised as she kissed your head. "And I promise to never turn on another movie with clowns ever again."

You chuckled before nodding.

"That would be great."

She smiled as she brushed her hand across your back comfortingly.

"Do you think you'll be able to get back to sleep?"

"Probably at some point but not anytime soon. Can you keep holding me for a while?" You asked.

And even though she was tired, she just brushed a strand of hair behind your ear with a smile and nodded her head.

"Absolutely. I'll hold you for as long as you want me to."

"Forever, then." You said as you kissed her lips sofyly.

"Forever it is, baby."

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