finding out that you were a bet - part two (requested)

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The rapid knocking on your hotel room door startled you.

You lifted your head from your lap and let out a sigh, wishing that you could be unbothered so you could think clearly about everything that had happened just a couple of hours ago.

But the knocking came again.

Standing up, you made your way to the door and opened it to find Minji standing there.

"Minji? How'd you know I was here?"

"Your friend told me." She spoke.

You let out a scoff before shaking your head and making your way to the bed.

"Look, Y/N, you have to let me explain! I swear, it's not what you think it was."

"I was a bet, Minji! Our entire relationship was formed all because you made a bet with Hanni about me!"

"Yes but only that I'd talk to you! I swear,
Y/N, that's all it was about." She said as she walked to you.

You stared at the floor as the bed dipped as she sat down beside you.

"I was staring at you for hours that night. I couldn't take my eyes off of you. All I could think about was how beautiful you are. I wanted you to be mine the moment I saw you. But Hanni knew I needed a little push because I thought you'd reject me."

"Reject you?" You asked in disbelief.

"Yes. Believe it or not, that's the truth. I feared you'd reject me if I came up to you so for hours, I didn't. I just stared and admired you from afar."

"Until Hanni bet on me?"

"She bet that I wouldn't talk to you. She knew I wouldn't want to let her win that, so it gave me the push I needed and I approached you. And now, we're here." She said as she took your hand into hers.

"You shouldn't have bet on me. It makes me feel bad."

"But it was never anything inappropriate. Hanni and I would never do that. We never bet that I'd land a date with you or we'd take our relationship to the next level. We never bet about anything like that. It was simply that I wouldn't talk to you. Just so I'd get the courage."

"You swear that it wasn't anything else? Now is your chance to be completely honest, Minji. Were there any other bets about me?"

"No. None at all. I swear, Y/N. I'm being completely honest with you on this. I wouldn't lie to you and especially not about something as serious as this."

You sighed as she brought your hand to her lips for a kiss.

"I know it was wrong. I know we shouldn't have done it in the first place and I'm sorry for never telling you. I love you and I'd never want to hurt or betray you in any way. Please forgive me."

"I can forgive you. Just promise me, no more bets."

"Never again, I promise!" She said as she wrapped her pinky around yours. "Can we go home now?"

"Why? We have a hotel room for the night." You smiled and she leaned in, kissing your lips.

You laid down and curled up to each other, sharing more sweet kisses under the covers.

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