fans talk badly about you (requested)

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"Minji? Minji, can we have a picture with you?" A fan excitedly asked as you and Minji made your way out of the restaurant.

"Sure," Minji smiled and let your hand go so she could hurry over to the young fan and take a picture with her.

You were more than okay with it because you know how many people love the girls.

Although they haven't been together that long still, they have made a huge impact on a lot of people with their music and their videos.

Some fans find a lot of comfort and happiness in more than just that though, such as the members themselves.

Knowing this, you never complain when it comes to her doing something as simple as taking a picture or two with fans, especially ones that you can tell adore and admire her more than anything in the world.

You stayed back as she took pictures with the fans and just watched with a bright smile on your face.

It made you so happy to see how loved she is.

"Thank you!" Minji smiled and hugged the fan before pulling away.

She planned to return to your side and take your hand so you could head back to the car but when she heard your name being mentioned, she turned her head and listened to what was being said.

"Oh, joy. Look, Y/N's over there."

"Well, I'm pretty sure she and Minji were on a date. It shouldn't be that surprising." Another person said in response as they tried to rationalize with the first person.

"Yeah, but she goes everywhere with Minji. It's as if she follows her around like some kind of pest. Imagine having a girlfriend that annoying. I feel bad for Minji, honestly."

Minji sighed and tried to brush off their comments.

She can't make everyone like you and she knows that it's useless to try.

She just wanted to go back to your side and pull you close and never let you go.

But as she took a step, the fan started to say more and their words just got harsher and harsher.

"I mean, I could kinda understand if she was pretty, at least. A pretty girl following you around isn't too bad, right? But, god, Y/N is so unattractive. She's got no personality, she's not easy on the eyes, and she's just so annoying. I can't stand her. I wish something would happen between them and they'd break up."

"But then Minji wouldn't be as happy." The other fan tried to reason again.

"She'll get over it. In the end, it's better. She could find someone better. Someone prettier, someone less annoying, someone funny. I think she'd be a lot happier that way."

"I think you're wrong." Minji suddenly spoke as she stepped in front of them.

"Oh, Minji-"

"Don't. I don't want to hear whatever it is that you have to say. The things you said about my girlfriend are so uncalled for. What's your problem?" She asked as she folded her arms over her chest.

"Honestly? I hate her." The fan confessed.

"Well, then I feel bad for you. Because you're missing out. Y/N is incredible. But I don't need to stand here and tell you all of that because it won't change anything and I'd just be wasting my time. But what I will say is that if you can't at least respect my girlfriend and my private life, you can find another group to like. Because a true fan of mine would, at the very least, be happy that I'm happy. They wouldn't hope something would happen and I'd lose my partner. That's so rude!"

"I'm sorry." The fan said.

"I don't believe you," Minji said. "I can guarantee that after I walk away, you're going to keep saying those nasty things about her and if so, find another group to support. Because I know the other girls would feel the same way - we don't want fans who can't at least respect those that we love. Y/N's not going anywhere, she's here to stay by my side for good. It's your loss if you don't like her. But it's not mine or any of the girls' loss if you refuse to be kind to those who are important to us. That just makes you a bad fan and we don't want that."

Minji quickly walked away and returned to your side as the fan stomped her feet and stormed off.

"Is everything okay?" You asked as Minji took your hand.

"Yeah. Perfect." She said before giving you a soft kiss. "Come on, let's go home, my love."

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