Chapter 4

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When the bell rang, the students prepared themselves for the next class. Owen put his finished assignment back into his binder. He went back to his locker. His stuff was all there. His outdoor shoes were on the bottom of the locker. The backpack was hanging there, as if it was untouched. Owen went to pick up his gym clothes. He both looked down the hallway. The principal's office was to Owen's left. The hallway ended right next to his classroom. It was just as Owen remembered. The boys from his class went to get their gym clothes too. Owen took out the clean gym clothes and went to gym class. He and his friends were getting the gym set up for their soccer game. The goalie nets were placed next to the two short walls away from each other.

The gym teacher came carrying the soccer ball. He waited until all of the students sat down on the wooden floor and listened to him. The gym teacher talked to the students for a short period of time. Then she said, "Alright time to divide you all into two teams." Owen got to be on the team that had the goal closest to the wall that was farthest away from the rest of the school building. As he was ready as one of his teammates stepped up to the center of the room, Owen thought he saw somebody in the window of one of the gym doors. When he blinked, the person watching him from the window was gone. What was weird about it was that the person looks exactly like Owen. Owen heard the sound of the coach's whistle. He turned his attention towards the soccer ball as it fell to the floor of the gym. The player of the opposing team kicked the ball towards the goal. Owen prevented the ball from landing into the net. He kicked the ball in a different direction. He and his team passed and even made a few goals. Owen didn't focus on the window of the gym door. He didn't see that there was somebody was watching him yet again. This person watched him with intrigue. Owen and had a lot of fun while playing soccer in the gym. The person who looked just like Owen disappeared before the opposing team won their second goal. The score was 11-2 for Owen's team. His team won. Owen went to thank the other members of the opposing team. They all said good game to each other. Then there was the sound of the school bell. Owen saw his teammates fading away in front of him. The same thing happened to the gym teacher. Owen was shocked. The gym was empty, and the lights were off. Owen went to the area of the gym that had light. The gym door windows that had light coming out of them, thanks to the lights in the hallway. As Owen tried to open the doors from inside the gym, he noticed that they wouldn't budge. This was odd since locked gym doors could be opened from inside of the gym. Owen looked out into the hallway. There were only three students over there. "Hey! Is this some kind of joke? Let me out of here?" Owen demanded as he pounded his fists against the gym doors. The students simply ignored him. "Help! Let me out of here!" Owen yelled. He noticed that they all went into their lockers.

The students were only focused on getting something out of their lockers. "Help! You can't just leave me here!" Owen screamed. Then he saw the gym teacher coming out of her office. It was close to the gym, on the other side of the hallway. She was wearing a black tank top and black head band. On the tank top, it said "It's good to be bad.". Owen dropped his mouth wide open. Then there was an announcement on the intercom. "Attention all staff and students! We have an intruder in the school. He is located in the gym. Find him!" The three students that were in the hallway stopped what they were doing. They put everything they were holding back into their lockers. They closed them shut. The gym teacher started to look at the gym doors. Owen put his back against the wall close to the gym door that he was staring in. Owen crept up to the window. He wondered if anybody had spotted him in the window. The gym teacher's face appeared in the window. This made Owen fall on his back and tried to find a place to hide. He looked at the folded-up bleachers. He wondered if hiding there would be possible. Owen thought that if he had pulled out one of the four folded out bleachers, then the students would first go to look for him behind there. Owen tried to look for some other place to hide. But it was no good. There was the sound of many footsteps from outside the gym doors. Owen tried to think of something. Then there was the sound a creepy voice on the intercom. The voice said "Ready or not Owen. Here we come." The lights of the gym came on. The gym teacher unlocked the doors of the gym. There was the sound of excited voices. Owen went between two set of bleachers that were in the middle of the gym. "We could hear you running!" A voice shouted from behind the doors. Owen was tall but able to squeeze through the two bleachers. The students ran into the gym, with the teachers running along with them. They ran and began to look for Owen. They looked behind and under the curtain that separated the gym whenever needed. The teacher started to pull out the bleachers. The seats were pulled out and the students began to look behind the bleachers. There was nothing behind them. Owen was calmly breathing as he could hear the students trying to talk to him. "Oh Owen, are you here? Where are you Owen? We just want to have some fun.". The teachers also took a turn at looking behind the bleachers.

There was nobody behind the bleachers. Owen waited until the teachers went to rejoin the students. He then crept out from the second bleacher from the door he was looking out of. The students were at the middle of the gym. They were disappointed. The middle school students were disappointed that they didn't find Owen. The students had black sun glasses on, and some of them had some parts of their clothes that were ripped off. Some of the T-shirt sleeves were ripped off. Some of the students had the words "It's great to be bad." or "I will crush you!". He was looking down both small walkways that the students and teachers could use to access behind the bleachers. Then one of the gym doors opened. Owen backed towards his hiding place. The noise of the gym door opening was coming from the door from the left of his hiding place. He looked at the person who has entered the room. Owen saw that it was the principal. He stared down the way anybody could use to get behind the bleachers. Owen was glad that the principal didn't catch him. He watched what was going on from his hiding place behind the bleacher. The teachers were getting the students to sit down. Then the gym door from the other side of the room opened too. Owen saw that the students were sitting on the floor of the gym. He watched as the students stood at the center of the room. A student who looked exactly like Owen came into view. He was wearing a gym T-shirt that had the right sleeve ripped off of it. The gym T-shirt was black and it not surprisingly. It had the words "It's good to be bad" on the front. The preteen was also carrying a backpack. It looked like a backpack used for going on hiking and camping trips. The students cheered when he saw him stand by the principal's side. The principal cleared his throat. Then the gym teacher handed him a microphone and it was attached to a speaker. The principal started to talk to the students. "Hello students!" "Hello teacher!" The students shouted back to him. "It's good to be..." The principal began. "Bad!" the students yelled their response to the principal. "Being what is great?" The principal asked the students. "Mean!" The students shouted back to him. The principal smiled. "How are you enjoying your morning so far?" He queried the students. The students shouted excitedly.

"I can't hear you." The principal commented through the speaker. The students cheered loudly than before. Owen was trying to figure out what was going on. He wanted to know why the school thinks it's good to be bad. This sounds too sinister for him. The teacher waited for the sound of the cheering students to quickly die down. "I have some good news. Owen here is going to be exploring the world. He will be just making some observations and trying to figure out what should be done to make it a better place than ever before." Owen, who was hiding behind the bleacher, noticed that his twin was grinning. He felt that the world and school that he lived in was a better place than telling the students that it's good to be mean and bad. "Now students, sit on the bleachers." The principal commanded them. The students stood up and walked towards the bleachers along with the teachers. They all found a place to sit at. The teachers and students were watching as the principal explained how the plan would work. But Owen's twin interrupted him and whispered something into his ear. Owen did not like what he was about to say. Owen's twin put his backpack down on the floor and started to look through it. He pulled out something from the backpack. It was some goggles. Then he asked the principal to give him the microphone. "Did any of you see the intruder?" Owen's twin questioned the students. They and the teachers said "No!" in unison and loudly as well. "Well then, never fear! For yours truly will find him in no time." Owen saw what his twin put on. They were night vision goggles. The principal smiled at him. "Turn off the lights!" The principal blared out from the microphone. The gym teacher and another teacher went to turn off the lights. The gym was pitch black. 

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