Chapter 13

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The rest of the school day was normal. Owen had attended the rest of his classes for the day. Owen's twin got into the school without anybody looking. He went up the stairs to Owen's locker. Before he came out of the stairwell to Owen's locker, the twin took something out of backpack. It appeared to be the shape of a rectangular square prism. He had the device attached to his belt. Owen's twin turned a knob on the device, and it made him disappear out of sight. The twin was near the door to the hallway of where Owen locker should be. A student came down the hallway to the door of the stairwell. She opened it. At first the teacher could hear somebody breathing nearby. Then she saw nobody else nearby in the stairwell. The teacher told herself that she couldn't be hearing things, because there was somebody breathing in the stairwell. She looked again, the breathing stopped suddenly, the teacher went downstairs. The door nearly closed. It was partially held open, by thin air.

The door slowly closed. The teacher went down another flight of stairs and stopped. She slowly saw the door leading to the floor that she just came from. The door was open a little bit, and then it closed by itself. The teacher shrugged and continued her way downstairs. The hallway where Owen's locker was located was very quiet. All of the sounds of teachers teaching the students could be heard from the classrooms nearby. A few seconds later, there was somebody trying to unlock Owen's locker. The combination lock on Owen's locker started to move by itself. The arrow pointing at the numbers spun on the lock. The arrow on the lock spun slowly as the combination lock was unlocking by itself. The two first numbers of the combination were entered in. There was only a few minutes to spare. The last number of the combination was entered into the lock. The lock was taken off the locker and it slowly opened by itself. The padlock floated in mid air. The locker door stayed partially opened. The padlock floated towards the place it normally sat on to keep the door of the locker closed shut. The door was slowly opened. There was not much noise being heard while the locker was being opened. When the locker door was opened, Owen's backpack was opened. A mysterious force was furiously looking through the contents of the bag. There was nothing in the bag that was of interest to the person snooping through it. The next thing that was searched was shoes. Owen's twin put his hands in the shoes as they try to look for some kind of small device. The mysterious force was frustrated when they couldn't find anything yet. The last place that was searched was the roof of the locker. There was nothing sticking on the top of the locker's roof. Owen's twin made sure that nothing was out of the locker. He thoroughly made sure that there was nothing that might have fallen on the floor of the school hallway. The padlock floated into the air again. The locker was slammed with a loud noise. The padlock was quickly put back where it should be when keeping the locker closed and locked. The lock was reset before being unlocked. A student came outside to use the water fountain when she heard the slam. She looked around and saw a padlock being put back into place by itself. she didn't see the whole thing. So, she felt that was imagining things. During the end of the day, Owen went to his locker.

He walked past the student that went to the use the water fountain. The student didn't tell him about his locker slamming shut. She did tell him about seeing a padlock floating in midair locking by itself. Owen looked at his padlock. It was neatly reset showing the arrow pointing towards the zero on the combination lock. Owen opened the locker. He didn't see anything out of the ordinary in the locker. Everything was pretty normal as could be. Owen turned and looked at the student. "I don't see anything strange here. You must have been sleepwalking." Owen told her. "I'm not sleep walking. But I think I am starting to see that aren't really happening." She claimed. The student said goodbye to Owen and went to her locker. His outdoor shoes were taken out. Owen had them put on his feet. Nothing was missing from inside of the backpack. The lunch kit was inside. The students all got ready to be picked up by their parents. Owen had the feeling that somebody might have wanted something out of his locker. He quickly left his indoor shoes inside the locker. Owen put his backpack on his back and went off. The students all were nearly finished preparing themselves to go on the bus or to be picked up by their parents. Owen's twin was standing next to the doorway of the stairway. The students who went downstairs, they had bumped into the Owen's twin while he was invisible. They thought they might have bumped into somebody else by accident. They simply looked around and once they didn't see anybody, they just walk downstairs to where the buses might be parked. Owen walked to the area where his parents were usually are when they pick him up. Owen then waited near the entranceway of the school. Owen's doppelganger followed him.

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