Missed chance

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It was a warm calm afternoon in Adventure Bay. Marshall was having his another best time in his life - Everest came up to Lookout and the Dalmatian took her on date. They weren't dating though, but today it might get changed. The husky became a usual visitor to Lookout as she was hanging out with Skye, or Marshall... or Rocky. She actually wanted to hang out with him today, but he got called by Ryder to help him with his quadbike, Skye stayed with Chase, so Marshall agreed to have some time together.

Everest: Even if it's a date, it's still an amazing time-spending with you Marshall.

Marshall: Hehe, you're welcome. We should hang like this more often, because... you can see how's busy every pup can be.

Everest: True. But I still can't get it with Skye.

Marshall: Let's just say that my best friend made his move.

Everest: So they are like-

Marshall nodded with smile on his face, making Everest excited. Seeing her happy emotion made him fell in his thoughts: "Not too far from our happiness, Eve". Then Everest saw a towel under umbrella and offered Marshall to lay here as she felt tired. The Dalmatian agreed, so they went there.

Ryders' garage, near Lookout

Rocky was working with gearbox of Ryders' bike as boy was fixing pressure on wheels of his vehicle. He could notice that his pup was looking behind for some reason and during their work they didn't talk a single bit, so Ryder thought that it might be a good topic.

Ryder: Hey, Rocky.

Rocky: Yes, Ryder?

Ryder: Are you checking the time by sun, or checking on weather?

Rocky: Why are you asking?

Ryder: Hehe, well, you were watching behind yourself sometimes. I'm just curious why.

Rocky: It's nothing. Just ehhh... I'm checking when Marshall and Everest will come back.

Ryder: Alright then. You know, it's great when you have aware about your teammates, maybe Chase can rest up from this.

Rocky: Oh, he's really sick with that, especially with Skye!

Then they laughed and kept working with bike. Still, this talk made Mixed Breed even more nervous as time was flying. As Everest had asked him to hang out together, Rocky was on cloud nine, because he could finally tell his feelings to Everest. But Ryder had other plans for him, so Rocky was quite sad a bit, but covered it perfectly. He also knew that Marshall had feelings for the Husky, it was quite visible, so he was feeling a little jealous at them.

Adventure Bay beach, near Town Hall

Marshall and Everest were laying on towel, with their heads resting against each other. Everything seemed to be ready for moment that Marshall will finally reveal his feelings. He was actually aware of little glances from Rocky to his side, but he didn't care - right now, Rocky wasn't there and his crush was here.

Everest: This day is the best in my life. I bet you can't make it any better.

Marshall: I actually can.

Everest: How though?

Marshall: Everest... I want to offer my heart and all my feelings to you I've got during all our time-spending together. Will you be my girlfriend?

Everest: Marshall... Yes! I will!! I'll be your girlfriend!!

She pounced on Marshall hugging him, nuzzling him, making the Dalmatian giggled and hug back. Then they released from hug and looked at each other with wide smiles on their faces, before leaning into kiss. And her scream caused a little moment from Lookout.

Ryders' garage, Lookout

Rocky almost finished with bike as he heard scream, which was Everests', so he ran up to nearest hill and saw Marshall and Everest on the beach, hugging each other. He could feel his heart trying not to shatter as then Mixed Breed made a sad sigh and went back to finish the job.

END OF FIRST CHAPTER!! Let's see how it will go, hope you will like it! See you soon and stay safe <3

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