A secret side

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The next day after our couple had a romantic day with noone distracting them, Marshall groaned in his sleep as he felt someone touching his nose - it was Everest, but Chase and Zuma were also there as the German Shepherd was wearing his uniform and the Labrador had Marshalls' one on his back.

Chase: I hope you didn't forget about practice?

Marshall: Oh yeah, here I go!

The Dalmatian quickly got up and exited his puphouse with little tumble, causing himself to fall on his back, making the trio giggle. Then Zuma walked up and handed Marshall his uniform.

Zuma: Put it on, we're waiting for you.

Marshall: I know that my competition is serious, but your seriousness is quite creepy.

Zuma: I owe this to one pup!

Chase: Don't blame me!

Everest: Alright, keep your boys' ego down.

Chase: Hehe, ok. Let's go!

Soon all pups were at the special training stage, which Ryder and Rocky had designed for Marshall - it was a stage from previous year of tournament, but still, it had all obstacles. The most important thing was the fact that pups mustn't use their firetrucks.

Chase: Ok, ready buddy? Or you need a warm-up?

Marshall: Let's make one slow run, they going quicker and quicker.

Everest: Smart!

Zuma: You're gonna witness something that you've never expected to see in him. Go!!

The Dalmatian immideately started going through the stage, not running like crazy and making each move carefully. The further he was going, the more his girlfriend was getting impressed - she always knew him as a clumsy one, but being that athletic - that was a true surpise. Her impressions got even bigger when Marshall didn't make at least one stumble.

Zuma: Nah, it's not that. The main magic will come when he'll go full pace.

Chase: Pretty good one, ready to go faster, bud?

Marshall: Yep.

Zuma: Shoot!! I forgot water!

Marshall: Not yet. Start it, Chase.

His best friend started the chronometer again as Marshall started going through the course faster than before - and again, no stumbles or trip-overs. It made Huskys' eyes go wide as her boyfriend finished the course.

Chase: 7 seconds quicker, are you surely warming up? Or trying to get on with it quickly?

Marshall: First! Let's have another, then rest.

Chase: Haha, roger that!

Everest (after Marshall started the course): Jeez, he's been taking it so serious.

Chase: I know right. It gains more focus for him and gave a positive effect through missions.

Everest: Really?

Chase: He managed to do his tasks during the mission even faster than before.

Everest: Wow!

Few moments later, Marshall finished the task and dried off his face by the towel as the German Shepherd checked the time.

Chase: 4 seconds quicker than on 2nd run! Wanna pick up the pace and go full speed already?

Marshall: 2 more, then full speed.

Zuma: Here's your water!

Marshall: Thanks.

Then he stood at the start of the course as Chase gave the start once again.

6 minutes later

Chase, Zuma and Everest were shocked to see this time - it was even faster than on previous training, also druing Marshalls' main run, the Labrador brought the book with times so they could compare the result. But Everest was just getting melted from secret side of her boyfriend - she couldn't believe that Marshall could be that strong. So she went to him to give a kiss as he drank some water from bowl.

Everest: Mmm, I didn't know that you can be that athletic.

Marshall: Well, I'm not that athletic as Chase and Zuma are, but thanks.

Everest: No worries, I still love you as you are.

Chase: TOP-3!! Your time could be in TOP-3!

Marshall: No way!!

Zuma: We're not joking, you're the man!!

Marshall: Let's have another one to set it tight!

Chase: On your mark then!

Then the Dalmatian had 4 more runs where he managed to repeat his new time, making the trio cheer quietly. But the main thing was the fact that Everest decided to discover her secret side in herself, right here and right now.

CHAPTER DONE!! Hope you will like it!! See you soon and stay safe <3

Secret rivalry | Rocky x EverestWhere stories live. Discover now