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Rocky was sitting away from the trio of Chase, Skye and Zuma, who were still playing frisbee together, the Mixed Breed was still thinking about how Everest found out that he was trying to flirt with her since Marshall left them for the competition. After thinking for a while, he didn't get any reason of that and decided to ask other pups as they finished playing and were about to go inside of the Lookout to rest. Still, the trio got separated as Chase and Skye went to drink water while the Labrador said that he'll join them later - that's when Rocky has showed up.

Rocky: Hey dude.

Zuma: Oh hey... didn't see you for a while.

Rocky: I just have some bad thoughts in my mind, needed to clear them up.

Zuma: Ok then, wanna watch something? Chase and Skye are about to join us too.

Rocky: Well, alright.

Soon, the couple joined Rocky and Zuma on the beanbags as the Cockapoo moved her beanbag closer to Chase's - it caused the Recycling pup to roll his eyes and try to act calm, but he still imagined himself and Everest doing the same. His best friend spotted that and got nervous a little.

Zuma: Are you sure you ok?

Rocky: Yeah, all good.

Skye: You're ready? Chase's choosing the movie to watch.

Zuma: No sign for competition?

Chase: It's gonna start only next day.

Zuma: Ah ok.

Rocky (thoughts): Oh, thank Godness!

Skye: Any ideas then?

After little discussion, Chase turned on "Sonic the Hedgehog" movie as Zuma then quickly went to the kitchen for the popcorn and few moments later, he came back with a huge  bowl.

Skye: Should we call Rubble and Everest?

Zuma: Already done it. They said that we can start watching without them.

During next 2.5 hours of movie time, Rocky time by time could see the couple laughing and discussing something with some romantic notes, of course, it caused him once again to imagine himself and Everest doing the same, with some giggles coming out of his mouth. Zuma became nervous once again and decide to ask his best friend about his strange behavior.

Zuma: Rocky, you're acting pretty strangely this time.

Rocky: Ugh, can you just leave me alone? I was having some good imaginations with Everest until you broke it.

Zuma: You still didn't move on?

Rocky: She somehow found out I was doing so... maybe it was you who told her about it.

Zuma: Chase, put the movie on pause!

The German Shepherd became confused, but followed Zuma's instructions, then their intensive talk continued.

Zuma: So you say that Everest found out that you wanted to flirt with her right?

Rocky: Yes! But I also know that I talked with you about that.

Chase: Ok then, we'll make it straight - we made her aware of you.

Rocky: Why??!!

Skye: Too low to steal a girlfriend or a boyfriend from someone who's already dating that person. Even for you.

Zuma: So we're sorry, dude, but we're gonna react on such actions from you. Or Everest since she's ready for that!

Rocky: Really?? Ugh, I'm done here, I'm not offended or something, but please, no romance near me, OK? It triggers me now.

Skye: Ok then.

Chase: Well, no problem.

Rocky: Thanks.

Then pups kept watching the movie as Rocky felt so down on himself now - it felt like a whole world is now against him so he won't get Everest, but little did he knew, it may play for him on better favor.

CHAPTER DONE!! Hope you will like it! See you soon and stay safe <3

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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