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A new day arrived in Adventure Bay as everyone woke up, thanks to Chase and Skye, who were always first to get up. Soon, all pups were here, ready for morning exercises, however Rocky who was put between Marshall and Everest went to Chase and asked him about changing his position.

Rocky: Can I run in front of them? Please?

Chase: Ehhh, why?

Rocky: I feel that I can run fast today.

Chase: Alright then, I'd like to see it.

Rocky (thoughts): I'm dead, it's really hard to follow Chase. But anyway.

His request made Evereshall confused too - since when the Mixed Breed was caring about his position in morning exercises, which was actually a nonsense because pups never ever asked about that. Moments later, these thoughts were flown away as pups were running around the Lookout and for Zumas' surprise, Rocky was running in front of him really quick, he managed to keep the distance, which was one of main objectives on this exercise.

Zuma (thoughts): No way that Rocky can ran so fast like this, it's so untypical for him! Maybe his nap helped him, I don't know, but I should ask him later.

Chase was also surprised by their friends' pace, but still he noticed that the Mixed Breed wasn't so enduring to keep his speed for long time. Gladly for Rocky, the German Shepherd announced the end of exercise and then pups went to morning yoga, after having a 30-second rest, during which Zuma and Marshall came up to their friend.

Chase: I know what do you want to talk about, later, alright?

Zuma: Okay dude.

Marshall: Got it.

Everest had same talk with Skye, but we will join their future talk much later. The morning yoga went smoothly and then pups went inside the Lookout for breakfast, Ryder was already sitting on beanbag near bowls, reading a book when he heard pups coming.

Ryder: Morning pups!

Pups: Morning Ryder!

Ryder: Oh hey Rocky, did you sleep well?

Rocky: Yeah. I've never felt so energyzed before.

Chase: Heh, we've noticed. He managed to run behind me while keeping a safe distance.

Ryder: Wow! 

Then pups went to their bowls and started eating their breakfast. During it, Zuma decided to change his plans and try to talk with Rocky about his recent behaviour and then tell his searchings to Chase.

15 minutes later

All pups were on their usual duties, when there was no missions incoming - it was Rubbles' time for morning patrol, so he drove away, Skase and Evershall were playing frisbee with Rocky watching at them, having that uneasy feeling growing inside of him and making the Mixed Breed more angry. Gladly, it easily disappeared as his best friend arrived.

Zuma: Hey dude, wanna chat?

Rocky: Umm, sure!

Zuma: Nice, I actually really wanted to talk with you.

Then Rocky and Zuma laid down on grass as the Labrador kept speaking.

Rocky: So what's going on though?

Zuma: Mmm, it's actually about you.

Rocky: Huh? Why?

Zuma: I'm not trying to be Chase, but seems like you're lying about your try to follow Chases' pace during morning run.

Rocky: Me? Lying? I don't get it.

Zuma: You weren't happy after hearing that you'll run between Marshall and Everest.

Rocky: Ohh, don't start it man.

Zuma: Stop! Now there's no going back. Spill out!

Rocky: Really?

Zuma: I'm your best friend, dude - I want to help you.

Rocky: Ok... I started hating seeing Marshall and Everest together.

Zuma: Jealous or what?

Rocky: Yep, I'm jealous. I love her, Zuma! But Ryder thought otherwise and Marshall used this chance!

Zuma: Ok, now it makes sense why you didn't come for dinner.

Rocky: Yes, I just can't believe that I lost my chance because of stupid quad bike!

Zuma: Alright, don't blame anyone except for yourself, you could actually reject Ryders' offer.

Rocky: It was a request which I couldn't decline.

Zuma: I understand, still... don't take it too deep in yourself. If you need to throw it away, I'm here.

Rocky: Thanks dude.

Zuma: Anytime Rocky.

CHAPTER DONE!! Hope you will like it! See you soon and stay safe <3

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