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When Rocky and Ryder finished fixing boys' vehicle, Marshall and Everest stopped their romance and started walking back to Lookout. For other pups, the volume of Everests' scream wasn't loud enough to hear, but still Chase heard it and perked his ears as Skye felt his body moving.

Skye: Everything ok?

Chase: Yeah, I just heard some screaming - or so I think... it was rather happy than desperate.

Skye: Like scream of happiness?

Chase: Yes.

Little did they knew, they were completely right about this scream, but for other pup, it was a scream of defeat - after seeing and hearing all facts that Marshall and Everest got together, Rocky quickly walked to his puphouse and closed the door after himself - only to start cursing his owner for call to help.

Rocky: Stupid Ryder!! Why, just why did you call me in such bad moment??! If you didn't call me, I'd have same scenario as Marshall had!!

Gladly, he realized that his screams won't help, so he decided to take a little nap to calm down. At the same time, Marshall and Everest arrived to Lookout, where they greeted Ryder, who was coming from garage.

Ryder: Did you have a good time you two?

Marshall: Oh yeah!

Everest: Definitely!

Ryder: Haha, such good pups. Remember, dinner's in 40 minutes.

Marshall: Yep!

The boy smiled and went inside the Lookout as the couple left alone, but not for long time as Chase and Skye came up to them. Everest looked at Marshall, hinting him that they should tell them and the Dalmatian realized that.

Chase: So??

Marshall: Huh?

Chase: Did you hear any screams?

Everest: Ehhh, it was me actually. Because... Marshall asked me out.

Skye: Finally!! *backflip*

Chase: Jeez, buddy, I'm so proud of you!

The german shepherd high-pawed Marshall, who responed on this as girls did the same thing. However, Rocky, who was napping heard their congrats and growled in his sleep, but not so loud to hear. It was the thing named jealousy.

40 minutes later

All pups except Rocky were having fun in the Lookout, waiting for dinner which was almost ready: Marshall, Everest and Rubble were watching Apollo the Super Pup while Zuma, Chase and Skye were playing Pup-Pup Boogie 2 vs 1 - Skase vs Zuma. Then Ryder appeared with big plate of bowls with treats, making all pups stare at their owner with hungry eyes, making their owner giggle.

Ryder: Well, dinner time, don't rush!

Pups perfectly obeyed him, as the boy put their bowls on floor and then they ran to eat their meal. Ryder looked at his pups with sweet in his eyes, but suddenly his face expression has changed.

Ryder: Woah, wait! Where's Rocky??

Chase: I think he's in puphouse, I heard doors' closing.

Skye: I can confirm.

Ryders' thought was that the pup was very tired after helping him with his bike, so he didn't get worry about this and took Rockys' bowl to bring it to Rockys' puphouse, but his pups thought otherwise - it was surely strange that their friend decided to stay in his puphouse and get late to dinner. 

Zuma: Maybe he's really tired? I think we shouldn't disturb him.

Chase: Maybe you're right, but I feel that it's not a reason.

Marshall: Jeez, you should watch less detective films.

Still, it was nothing close to real reason of sudden change of Rockys' behavior. Yes, he agreed with Ryder that he was tired after fixing quadbike, but deep inside, he just didn't want to see Marshall and Everest together, so he ate his dinner and fell asleep.

CHAPTER DONE!! Hope you will like it! See you soon and stay safe <3

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