Two-sided game

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When Marshall and Everest got back to the Lookout, the rest of the pups were already hanging out around first floor of their HQ: Skye and Rubble were dancing pup-pup boogie as Chase and Zuma were having some pawrestling (sort of armwrestling, simple) - however, no sight of Rocky, who was actually helping Ryder with wires on top of the Lookout. Still, the Dalmatian decided to report his owner about his training and Everests' appearance.

Marshall: Let's see Ryder. He should know that you're here safe and sound.

Everest: Yep.

Few moments later, the elevator reached the top floor and our couple went to Ryder and Rocky, the Mixed Breed saw them and silent growl came out from his mouth, so silent that noone heard it. The boy connected some cables and turned around to see Marshall and Everest near him.

Ryder: Hey! How did it go Marshall?

Marshall: Top-6 among all dogs.

Ryder: Haha! That's my firefighter! Everest?

Everest: Just wanted to let you know that I'll stay here while Jake isn't in Adventure Bay for a while.

Ryder: I see. Wait, you know that Marshall will also leave the town for tournament?

Everest: Yes.

Ryder: I feel that you wanted to hang out with him, so if there will be no missions for next 3 days, you already have my permission to go out somewhere together. Just remember about the training.

Marshall: Chase is a great reminder, trust me!

Ryder: Hehe, true. Anyway, is that everything you wanted to tell?

Everest: Yes, Ryder.

Ryder: Alrighty, have fun you two.

Then Marshall and Everest walked back to the elevator as Rocky's mood was on cloud 9 - Marshall won't be here for next few weeks and Everest will be in the Lookout for a long time - it's a perfect chance to conquer her heart. His owner noticed that Rockys' tail was wagging fast, meaning he was happy about something.

Ryder: Did you managed to connect other pairs of cables? Why so happy?

Rocky: Ehh, yeah! Here!

The Mixed Breed didn't lie about cables as he showed them connected just like Ryder wanted, making the boy smile and pat his head.

Ryder: I owe you extra amount of pup treats, remind me that.

Rocky: Oh, sure!

Soon they finished their repair and went down to other pups, who were cheering for Chase and Zuma, who were still fighting as it was the last round. When Ryder and Rocky arrived, the German Shepherd managed to bring his opponent down and win this little battle, causing his girlfriend to jump on his back and play with his ears.

Skye: That's my strong Chasey! Good boy!

Chase: Ohh, more dear, ooof! I need some rest, Zuma's surely strong, good play man!

Zuma: You too dude!

Marshall and Everest smiled from this cuteness as Rocky came towards them, causing Chase and Zuma to look towards them.

Rocky: So how did it went? I was busy.

Everest: Well, he's in TOP-6 among the best dogs in his category.

Rocky: That fast?? No way, well done pal!

Marshall: Thanks Rocky.

Chase (to Zuma, whispers): Already trying to connect himself with Everest.

Zuma (to Chase, whispers): It's a two-sided game, dude. We'll secure this.

Skye (to both of them, whispers): I might help you while talking with Everest time by time.

Chase and Zuma nodded in agreement to the Cockapoo as she kept playing with Chases' ears. Then Ryder announced dinner time in few minutes so pups got some free time to play. Marshall decided to have a private chat with his friends about Rocky and how understanding his Husky was as she told him that she wants to chat with Skye. The Dalmatian smiled and licked her cheek before they went to the trio - soon Skye and Everest went to beanbags as Chase, Marshall and Zuma stayed where they were.

Marshall: Ok, you know the next events right?

Chase: We'll keep an eye on Rocky. Skye's also in.

Marshall: Great. I might wish that these next week would pass as fast as possible.

Zuma: Chill out and focus on tournament. We got your back.

Marshall: Thanks. When's the next training though buddy?

Chase: Like I said, tomorrow, right after breakfast.

Marshall: Okie dokie!

Now let's leave this dramatic side of the story and focus again on some romance, which will be in next chapter.

CHAPTER DONE!! Hope you will like it. See you soon and stay safe <3

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