Unforgotten Feelings

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After successfully freeing himself from the police van, Tyler, in his Hyde form, notices Wednesday's families car not too far from his location.  As he's running to catch up to it, Wednesday hears the gallop like running quickly, catching up to the car.  "Lurch, pull over." She says in her usual Wednesday tone.  She gets out of the car to confront the monster, not scared of what might happen.  To her surprise, the Hyde collapses, seemingly from exhaustion, and proceeds to turn back into Tyler.  Wednesday goes to the trunk to get a blanket from her suite case to cover him with.  "Lurch, help me put in the car, please." She said to the butler.  After placing him inside, Lurch and Wednesday get back inside as well. 

~Slight time skip~

Now, in the car, Tyler starts to regain consciousness.  It takes him a moment to realize where exactly he is.  "What happened? How'd I get here?" He asked.  Wednesday then explains the series of events that occurred, as well as that Laurel, The Hyde's master, is dead.  Hearing that his abuser is finally gone, he breaks down, crying.  "T-thank you." He said in-between tears.  Wednesday spoke up, asking, "Do you wish to go back to Jericho?"  He answers "Not really, but I have nowhere else, and no one else to go back to besides my father, who will most likely send me to a psych ward."

  Wednesday proceeds to take out the phone Xavier had given her.  "Call your phone.  Your father most likely has it. I need to speak with him, " She said.  He took the phone from her and began to dial the number to his phone.  On the other end, a familiar sounding voice asks, "Who is this?"  "Wednesday, I'm here with your son.  We need to talk. Now." She demands.  "May I speak with Tyler first? ...Please." The Sherif asks.  She hands the phone to him, and Tyler says, "Hello?"  His father started with."I'm sorry, son, it's all my fault.  I neglected your feelings because I didn't want to talk about your mother.  I love you." His father sounded like he was starting to cry during the last few words he spoke.  "Dad... I love you too. I should've told you what was happening sooner. This all could've been prevented..." He responded.  "Don't say that. It wasn't your fault" Wednesday interrupted.  Tyler, with a slight smirk, says, "Thanks, Wednesday."  Over the phone, his father asks, "May I speak to Wednesday? She wanted to talk to me about something."  He handed her the phone, and she held it up to her ear.  Wednesday then said , "During summer break, you do everything in your power to help your son.  Even if that means enrolling him in Nevermore. Got it, Sheriff?"  "Yes, I understand. If possible, can you take Tyler back home, please?  I promise I'll do whatever it takes to help my son." The Sherrif said in response.  "When we get back, please discuss the Nevermore option with Tyler, I feel that it would be the most beneficial of everything." She replied.  "Will do.  May I speak with him once again?" He pleaded.  Wednesday gives the phone back to Tyler, "Yeah, dad?" He spoke.  "You most likely heard her, but Wednesday is requesting that you attend Nevermore starting the next semester.  Shit, sorry, son, can we talk about this later? Something just came up." He said, sounding frantic.  "Uh... Yeah, sure." Tyler replied.  They say their goodbyes, and then Sherrif Galpin hung up the phone.

Wedler/Wyler Fan Fic: Murderous Acts of True FeelingsWhere stories live. Discover now