Night of Fright

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Tyler didn't watch the movie, instead, he found his pleasure in the faces of agony and disgust Wednesday was making, just like their first date in the crypt. 

The time was now 11 pm.  Time to start preparing for the inevitable encounter with her presumed stalker.  Wednesday packed her bag with a small collection of knives and other deadly trinkets, while Tyler packed extra clothes, the Hyde would most likely make an appearance if something were to threaten the two of them.  "Lurch will you drive us?" Wednesday requested.  Lurch nodded in approval.  "Thing, stay here with the Sherif to ensure his safety," Wednesday demanded.  Thing signed "Understood."  Wednesday, Tyler, and Lurch then proceeded outside and entered the Addams' family car.  After the short, quiet, drive, they arrive at the gates of Nevermore. Wednesday tried to gate, but it was locked.  "We could try climbing it?" Tyler suggested.  "You can try climbing it," Wednesday said coldly.  "Okay." Tyler began to climb the gate, Wednesday didn't expect him to actually start climbing.
Once over the top, Tyler jumped down, opening the gate from the inside.  "Lurch, stay here," Wednesday stated.  Lurch nodded.  The two then started making their way toward the lake. Once they reach the vast body of water, they heave one of the canoes into the water.  Tyler grabs two oars and hands one of them to Wednesday, then they get into the canoe, almost tipping over.  The time was now 11:50 pm. 

The ride was smooth, with no interruptions.  But the feeling of malice got stronger and stronger the closer to the crypt they came.  When they arrived on the island, Tyler tied the canoe to the small dock.  The pair make their way to the crypt, the feeling of being watched and intense evil lingered.  As they entered the crypt of Joseph Crackstone, the door slammed itself shut behind them, startling Tyler, Wednesday was unreactive.  The looming presence of malice sent chills to the pairs cores, Tyler more than Wednesday.  In the darkness, a voice spoke "Why, hello there Wednesday.  Oh, I see you brought a friend along with you, how wonderful." The voice sounded slightly familiar to Wednesday, but she couldn't quite place it, it was as if a voice changer was being used, similar to what happened in the Nightshades Library with Bianca.  "I assume you must be the one sending stalking me," Wednesday said coldly.  "Your assumption," the voice said shakily. "Would be correct. Even though she's gone because of you, I will make sure you and the other outcasts pay." The voice says.  Sounds of shredding clothing could be heard from the darkness.  Steeping out from the darkness, another Hyde.  Slightly larger than Tyler's.  When this new Hyde revealed itself, it had pitch-black skin, dark as night. 

This Hyde was staring down Wednesday.  Stepping slightly closer started to lunge toward her.  In the blink of an eye, Wednesday saw Tyler, in his Hyde form, tackle the unsuspecting, pitch-black Hyde.  Tyler smashed its head into the ground, buying them some time to escape while it was knocked out.  Tyler transformed back and ran to the bag he brought to put clothes on before rushing outside.  They ran back to the canoe, Tyler untied the boat, and they proceeded to paddle back to the dock where they first got the boat.  When they reached the dock, they didn't bother taking back onto dry land.  They ran back to the gate, where Lurch was standing, waiting.  Wednesday and Tyler piled back into the car, "Lurch, hurry up and get in and step on it." Wednesday said with the slightest bit of urgency in her voice.  Lurch got inside and started the car, and started their journey back to Tyler's house.  "Tyler" Wednesday started, "Care to explain how you turned into the Hyde with no master?"  Tyler responded with, "I don't know... that other Hyde lunged for you then it was like an adrenaline rush."  "Did you remember what happened when you were the Hyde?" She questioned.  "Yeah, I do." He replied.  "I believe I have a new theory on what's happening with your Hyde.  It seems as if it sees me as it's new master, or it sees itself as my bodyguard.  The only problem with this, is how exactly would I have become its master?" She explained.  "You are the one who killed Laurel, could that be why?"  He asked.  "That may be a possibility, but I didn't give it orders to attack or defend me.  Although another possibility is that you are gaining control over the Hyde, instead of it having control over you. Wednesday says.  "Either way, my Hyde doesn't seem to want to kill you anymore, seems like it'd rather protect you instead." He replied.  "Another thing, it could be your influence on the Hyde.  The real you seem to care for me, so maybe your feelings are rubbing off on the Hyde."  Wednesday murmured, turning her face away.  "I'm just glad you're not dead," Tyler said, slightly blushing.  "Would've been an interesting death," Wednesday said.

The rest of the ride was mostly silent, the only thing that could be heard was the breathing of the three of them.

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