Not a part <3

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Before I day anything, this is just my opinion, I'm not hating on her. She's amazing 🥲

Currently having mixed emotions.  Jenna, as most people know, is going to be an executive producer for season 2.  I completely agree with her decision to make it darker, but she doesn't want to include romance, aka practically what made the plot of season 1.

It's just kinda upsetting to me thats the path their going with it, but oh well, beggers can't be choosers.  I just hope she doesn't kill off Tyler-

So yeah, I'm just a little upset and wanted to express it lmao.

Side Note:  Currently, in the process of writing the next part, I also made a Wyler playlist. I'm including it in the next part

Thx, Love you all <3

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