Stalker? Or Stalkers?

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Tyler then realized who Wednesday was talking about.  "Xavier?" He questioned.  Wednesday gave a nod.  "What I don't understand is why he has it out for me and the rest of the school,"  Wednesday said.  "That still doesn't explain the other Hyde though," Tyler mentioned.  "Other Hyde?" The sheriff asked, a worried expression on his face.  "Yes, Sheriff.  Another Hyde.  It tried to kill me the night we found you on the front lawn." Wednesday explained.  "It almost succeeded if it hadn't been for Tyler." She added.  "I'll have the officers keep a lookout until I'm 100% again." The sheriff said.  "I'm gonna mop up this mess after I'm calling my boss and heading home for the day," Tyler said.  "Tyler you just go on home, I'll clean up here." The Sheriff said.  "You sure dad?" His son asked.  "Yes, now go on home." His father demanded. Tyler got up and made his way to the door, "Bye Wednesday" he said.  "Mr.Galpin if I may-" Wednesday started, getting cut off by the man, "Yes, you can go with him.  It's not safe for you kids to be by yourselves after today." Wednesday nodded and hustled outside to catch him.

  "Tyler, your father had allowed me to accompany you," Wednesday said. "  "Don't understand why you'd need his permission, but thank you for coming with me." He replied.  They got into Tyler's car and drove back to his house, they discussed tonight's plans again, going to dinner and then going back to search for any clues crypt.  The time was now around 1 pm, Tyler called his bosses and made up an excuse about him getting sick and having to go home.  In the living room, Tyler turned on one of Wednesday's favorite true crime documentaries. 

(I don't know really what to put in for another 5 hours so there's just gonna be a time skip)

Tyler went upstairs to shower and get dressed for dinner tonight.  They decided on a sushi restaurant,  only a short drive into town.  A waitress came over to where they were sitting.  She was blonde-headed and blue-eyed.  She had a smug look on her face when looking at Tyler.  "Hi, there! What can I get you?" She asked him, not even noticing Wednesday.  "I'll get the California Roll." He replied.  "And for you?" She said, glaring at Wednesday.  "I'd like to skin you alive, and then make you into sushi rolls. But since that's 'illegal' I'll have the Spicy Tuna Roll instead." She replied.  The waitress left with a horrified look on her face.  That's what she deserves for looking that way at her suitor.  "Whoa, Wednesday what was that," Tyler asked.  "What was what? That's how I always act to prissy little princesses like her."  She replied.  Tyler snickered at the response.  "Ah, I get it, but I'm not gonna say it because I would like to wake up tomorrow with all my limbs." He said with a grin.  "Smart decision." She responded.  This time, a man, came out with their food.  "I guess you scared that chick huh." Tyler laughed.  "Good, she had it coming," Wednesday said. 

After they finished their meal, the time was now 8 pm.  The pair drove back to Nevermore, the gate was still unlocked from the last time because they never locked it back.  They got into the canoe that was still in the water, the oars still inside it.  The boat ride was peaceful, with only the sound of crickets and moving water in the air.  Once they arrived back on the island with the crypt, Tyler once again tied the canoe to the dock.  The two made their way through the woods and arrived at the crypt.  They turned the flashlight on their phones to illuminate the dark, enclosed space.  Tyler made his way to the very back of the room.  He stopped the saw pieces of shredded clothing, but it was no ordinary clothing.  It was a Nevermore uniform.  "Hey Wednesday, you might wanna see this!" He called out.  "What is it?" She asked while walking over.  "A shredded Nevermore uniform." He answered.  "But that means there's a Hyde already attending Nevermore," Wednesday said skeptically.  "Something tells me we should leave," Tyler says hesitantly.  "Agreed," Wednesday responded. Leaving the crypt, and going back to the canoe.  Tyler untied it from the dock and they paddled back to the school.  They left the canoe in the water once more and went back to the gate as swiftly as possible.  Back at the gate, they entered the car, and Tyler started it.  Tyler dropped Wednesday back off at Weems' and then made his way home. 

*At the home of Larissa Weems*

"How'd it go Wednesday?" The tall woman asked.  "The dinner or the investigation?" Wednesday questioned.  "Both," Weems answered.  "The dinner was alright.  The first waitress was intimidated by me so they sent another to serve us.  As for the investigation, we found a very valuable piece of information." Wednesday stated.  "And what might that be?" Weems asked, intrigued.  "The Hyde from that night was wearing a Nevermore uniform.  We found it shredded inside the crypt, about from where it stepped out.  I also have a suspicion of who my stalker could be." "Really? That was quite fast." She said.  "Yes, and I believe you know him very well.  Xavier Thorpe."  Weems' eyes grew wide and mouths ajar.  "Mr.Thorpe? How do you know?"  She asked still with her surprised expression.  "After I first left the Weathervane today, I had to run back on account of my stalker sending me another eerie message. Long story short someone was about to kill Tyler, then I ran inside.  His father soon entered at just the right time.  When he shot the attacker he turned into a dark gray powder.  Graphite, otherwise known as pencil lead."  She explained.  "I don't exactly know how he and this new Hyde are related but they seem to have the same goal of killing me and the people I hold dear." She added.  "When the next semester starts, I will personally have a chat with Mr.Thorpe to see if I can get any information out of him for you." The lady said in response.  "Thank you, deeply," Wednesday replied. Then headed back to her room to get ready for bed. 

*At the Galpin residence*

"Tyler, how'd the dinner go?"  His father asked.  "Pretty well, other than Wednesday threatening the waitress." He said in response.  "Classic Addams." His father chuckled.  "When your mother went to that school, she had me do a double date with her, the others were Morticia and Gomez, Wednesday's parents.  Morticia didn't like how the waitress was talking to Gomez so she said something along the lines of skinning her alive and filleting her."  "Almost what Wednesday said, she said she'll skin her alive and make her into sushi rolls," Tyler replied laughing.  "Sounds like she and her mother are the same." His father added.  "Anyway, I saw that you were at that crypt again, what was that about?" He asked.  "Should've known you'd use that stupid tracking app again. But I guess I can tell you." His father raised an eyebrow, "Wednesday wanted to look for an indication of who her stalker might be.  We ended up finding a shredded Nevermore uniform.  That's all we know about this other Hyde so far, that and it's working with Xavier."  He explained.  "I'll have Santiago start looking into things until I'm 100% again." His father said.  "Okay dad, I'll let Wednesday know.  I'm gonna go to bed before it starts getting too late." He said.  They say their good nights and Tyler heads to bed. 

I did not intend this to be over 1k words but it works.  I'll try and post the next part soon.
Thank you <3

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