Home Away From Home

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The car pulled into the gravel driveway of the Galpin residence.  The three of them stepped out, and Tyler went to unlock the door with the spare key.  Inside, the Sherif is passed out on the couch, Thing crawled off the couch and onto the floor, then climbed up to Wednesday's shoulder.  "Thank you, for watching over him, Thing" Tyler spoke.  Wednesday, still standing close to the door, says "I suppose it's time we leave, can't believe I'm saying this, but I'd rather stay in Jericho awhile longer than go back home."  "Surprising considering you wanted to leave almost immediately after arriving here," Tyler said. "Lurch, are you ready?" She asked. He nodded.  "Goodbye Wednesday," Tyler said, looking a bit sad.  "Bye yes, good? No." The girl replied.  Lurches form began to shorten slightly, revealing the true identity of the person. "Oh enough of this now." Weems spoke.  "Ah, so it was you.  I knew Lurch felt too alive. You are too cunning to let mere poison kill you." Wednesday responded.  Tyler just stared in confusion, not knowing what had happened between Weems and Laurel in the greenhouse.  "Anyway, Wednesday.  You obviously want to stay in Jericho with this boy." Weems states.  Wednesday started to slightly blush, knowing the woman was right.

"I wouldn't mind staying, but there's no place for me to stay." She reminded.  "I could allow you to stay with me, that is if you're willing to accept.  Just don't go looking for trouble again." Weems said.  "I can't promise I won't," Wednesday says.  "Oh, and as for your butler, he's currently at my residence. I wanted to assure you wouldn't get into any trouble during your last day here.  That plan was shot dead." She mumbled the last part.  "So that's how you acquired my family's car," Wednesday responded. She turned to look at Tyler. "Looks like we'll be seeing a lot more of each other for a while." For once, she sounded slightly happy.  "Surprisingly I don't feel a profound unliking for this town like I thought I would." She said. "Just be careful, whoever was at the crypt is still out there," Tyler spoke.  "Oh and Tyler was it?" Weems started.  "The school will take full responsibility for what happened to you. If they had previously not banned Hydes, one of our own wouldn't have been used as a tool for murder by a deranged psychopath, dead set on revenge.  Starting next semester, Nevermore will accept all forms of outcasts, turning none away. Hopefully, you accept this offer." Weems declared.  Tyler looked at Wednesday, she gave him a nod of agreement.  With a sigh, he eventually says "I accept."  "Understood, effective immediately, you are enrolled in Nevermore.  Wednesday, it's getting late, shall we go?" She proposed.  "One moment," Wednesday replied.
She walked over to Tyler, "May we finish what we started in the cafe?" She asked.  "Of course, anything you want." He said.  Wednesday pushed herself up while Tyler leaned down.  Their lips collided together, Wednesday could feel a weird sensation in her stomach, but she didn't mind it.  Weems was smiling softly, staring at them intently, happy for the couple.  When they both finally pulled back, Wednesday said "Now I'm ready." With probably the biggest expression she'd ever had on her face.  They all say their goodbyes, Weems and Wednesday made their way back to the car. The tall woman started the car and pulled out of the driveway. 

Wednesday spoke up, asking "Why are you allowing me to stay with you in Jericho?"  The woman answered "He needs you Wednesday.  The neglect from his father, Manipulation by Thorn- I mean Laurel, you are the only one he can trust.  He needs someone in his corner who understands him, that's you, and currently, only you.  He nor his father know the truth about the death of his mother.  I'll explain more on the topic when you both are in my presence."  Wednesday then stared out the window, contemplating everything she had just heard. 
They soon arrive at the home owned by Larissa Weems.  As she steps inside, she notices how bright and sleek the interior is.  "Down the hall, the last room on the left is your's," Weems said.
Wednesday turns to her and replied with a "Thank you" before going to check out the room before taking her stuff inside.  The walls of the hallway were lined with numerous pictures of when Weems was a Nevernkre student.  She stops and stares at one picture in particular.  In it, is the fencing team.  Wednesday saw a younger version of her mother.  Wednesday thought to herself, "Isn't this the picture Tyler was staring at as I was walking down the stairs the night of the Rave'n?"  She took out her phone and snapped a picture of the framed photo.  "I'll ask him about it later." She said quietly.  Wednesday walked to the last door on the left and opened the door.  The room was completely different from the rest of the house.  This room was painted black, with matching black curtains and bed spread. There was also a dark, wooden table next to the bed. Wednesday let out a small smile on her face, liking the aesthetic of the room. There were 2 dark gray doors, one leading to a closet, it had a fair-sized cabinet to put her clothes in, as well as a rack to hang her sweaters, coats, and shirts.  The other door led to a personal bathroom.  The bed was large enough for her and one other person (wink wink).  Wednesday started to walk outside to get her things when Lurch, the real Lurch, brought in her bags.  She continued outside to get her Cello from the trunk of the car, the one thing Lurch wasn't able to get a hold of.  Once she returned to the room, she found Lurch and said "Thank you."  He nodded.  "Wednesday, I informed your parents that you are staying in Jericho for the summer.  They said they plan to visit every weekend they have free." Weems explained.  "Understood, much obliged." She said.  Wednesday walks back to her new room and began to unpack, putting g her clothes in the closet and the dresser.  Wednesday took out the phone and its charger.  She put the charger in the socket and plugged the phone in to charge, laying it down on the table.  An audible song came from the phone.  It was Tyler.

Tyler: "Goodnight, Wednesday ❤️."

Wednesday didn't care for emojis but made an exception because it's Tyler. She then responded.

Wednesday: "Goodnight, Tyler 🖤."

It felt weird for Wednesday to use an emoji.  She got into bed, thinking about the kiss she shared with Tyler at his house.  She fell asleep soon after.

Wedler/Wyler Fan Fic: Murderous Acts of True FeelingsWhere stories live. Discover now