Back to life.

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(This story takes place a few months after season 4; Max woke up and is better now.)

I awake to the degrading sound of Mike's voice on the walkie talkie.

"Everyone wake up. Over."

I grab it off my floor and hold the side button, "What could you possibly need right now, it is 3 in the morning! This better be important."

"My basement now!" he replies.

The whole party groans but agrees.

I throw on my favorite yellow jumper and some sneakers. I grab a flashlight and the walkie and climb out my window. My skateboard is leaning against the wall and I grab it and start walking. I wait until i'm about a block down before I jump on my skateboard because my step-dad is awake and he will actually kill me if he finds me sneaking out.

I'm knocking on the door at Mikes about 20 minutes later and El greets me with a grin. She is still wearing her pajamas which is odd because she hates wearing her pajamas out.

"Hopper actually let you out this late?" I say surprised.

"I was actually sleeping over at Dustin's last night because hopper had to work late." She replies with a sympathetic smile.

She knows I get jealous when they hang out without me but it's really not their fault. None of the party can come to my house. It's just too bad there and I don't want them to worry.

We head to the basement and are greeted by Lucas and Mike arguing. I swear they never shut up. I take a seat between Robin and Will.

What are they going on about now" I ask, rolling my eyes.

"Mike believes the Russian spies are watching us." Robin states clearly annoyed.

"MIKE" I yell at him to grab his attention.

"Think logically for just a second, what on earth would Russian spies want from us? The mall got ruined and their whole lab is gone. They are probably gone now!"

"Are you not forgetting we have a real life super-hero right here?!" Mike exclaims with his hands in the air.

"El is safe, she killed Brenner and all of those evil people. There is nothing to worry about anymore. Its been like 3 months since then and nothing has happened. Let it go." Robin chimes in.

"Max died!!! We can't let anyone get hurt anymore." Lucas states.

"Yeah, but she came back!"

"Unfortunately" I whisper under my breath and El frowns at me.

I excuse myself and head to the bathroom. I just had to get out of the chaos for a second.

I stare at myself in the mirror. I still have scars all over my body from the battle with Vecna. I look tragic. I lost a ton of weight from being in the hospital in a coma. My parents were very angry with me because of the hospital bills. They didn't even acknowledge the fact that I had died. The party was relieved when I finally woke up. My parents came within an hour to take me home even though I wasn't ready but they didn't want any more bills. The nurses argued with them but there was nothing that could be done. I broke into my moms medicine cabinet and have been stealing her pills to help with the pain. My body healed quickly and I taught myself how to skate again on my own. I've been grounded ever since but I have been sneaking out without my parents'knowledge. My mom is never home and my step-dad is always too drunk to notice.

I take a deep breath and then head back downstairs. El looks at me worried but I brush it off.

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