The Breaking Point.

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I leave the school and hop on my skateboard. My mom's trailer is only a few blocks from here and she's probably black out drunk somewhere so the trailer is most likely empty.

I find the hidden key under the mailbox and let myself in. The place is a wreck and smells real bad.

"Anyone home?" I yell. Nothing.

I wander down the hall and into my room, or at least what used to be my room. All of my belongings are gone. There is beer cans and ashtrays all over the floor. I kick them around and stumble up to the bed. Laying on it is some fat guy covered in tattoos and sweat. I quickly grab my pocket knife from the closet and then I slowly and quietly back up into the doorway. I've never seen this dude a day in my life. I scramble into the kitchen and pick up the wall phone, I dial my moms number and she picks up on the third ring.

"Who the fuck is in my room?!" I yell through the phone.

"Maxine?! Is that you?!" She half whispers-half yells.

"Who else would it be? Who in the hell is that?!"

"You're supposed to be in a rehab center, how did you get out?"

"Oh shut-up! We both know I wasn't going to go to some crazy ass rehab center. You just wanted to get me out so that you can have the place for you and your new boyfriend."

I hear a slam and then a long buzz. She hung up on me. I replace the phone onto the wall and turn around. Sweaty tattoo guy is standing at the entrance to the kitchen.

"Hello Foxy." He says, looking me up and down with a smirk on his face.

"Who the fuck are you?" I ask.

"That's no way to talk to your step-dad" He says, moving closer.

"You aren't my damn step-dad. Stay the fuck away from me!" I yell backing up into the wall.

"Well if I'm not your dad then this is fine." He slides his shirt off and grabs my waist. I try to get away but his firm is too tight.

"Hey now, where are you going? We're just getting started."

   I wish I could slap that stupid grin off his face right now.

   A minute later the door swings open and my mom stumbles into the kitchen.

She pauses in the doorway and then turns towards her room, not saying a word.


"You are not my daughter anymore." She yells from her room.

Sweaty tattoo guy has his body wrapped around mine now. I bite his hand and he hollers in pain jumping back.

"You bitch!" He yells, trying to grab me again.

I bolt out of the house and he follows me. He eventually gives up once we reach the main road and I hop on my skateboard.

"Fuck you!!!" I yell back to him as he stands there defeated.

I've got to find Robin or Nancy, or someone.

I'm uncontrollably sobbing by time I reach the Family Video Store. Steve sees me and runs over as I collapse.

"ROBIN!!!" He yells worryingly.

"What do you want now??" She says, coming from the back. Once she sees me she drops everything and runs over.

"Oh my god, what happened?!!" She says, helping me up. They lead me to the back and sit me down.

"I don't know, she just walked in like this." Steve answers, while running to close the store.

"Max, hey calm down. You're safe now. What happened? You're supposed to be in school." Robin asks, kneeling down to face me.

"I- I- this guy, he grabbed me. And my mom doesn't want me anymore. I cussed out Lucas. I just don't know what to do." I cry out. 

"What?! Who grabbed you?" Steve yells, jumping up ready to beat the shit out of someone.

"Steve, calm down a minute." Robin assures him.

"Max, look at me. Okay? Slow down for a moment. I have you, nothing is going to happen. Just tell me what happened." Robin grabs my hands in hers and waits for my response.

"I can't." I answer, getting up. I find the employee restroom and lock myself inside.

"Max, come out." Robin pleads.

Steve bangs on the door.

I slide down against the door blocking it and find the pocket knife I took from the trailer and press it onto my wrist. Blood trickles onto the floor, I cry out in pain but don't stop.

"Max, I'm breaking this door down. Move out of the way." Steve demands.

I don't move.

A second later, the door collapses on top of me. Steve rips it off of me and him and Robin rush to my side.

"I told you to move!" Steve yells at me.

I cover up my wrist with my hand and put the knife into my pocket before they see.

"Why is there blood on the floor? Max, what happened?" Robin says, staring me up and down.

"Holy shit." Steve says, his eyes laying upon my arms.


"Call Nancy, she'll know what to do." Steve says, he takes off his shirt and wraps it around my arm to slow down the bleeding.

Robin stands there in shock

"NOW!" Steve shouts snapping her out of it.

She runs out and I can hear her shouting to Nancy over the phone.

Robin runs back in carrying a first aid kit.

"Nancy's on the way." She says, with tears running down her face.

Steve snatches the kit and rummages through it, he pulls out peroxide and bandages.

"It's not a little scratch, that not going to work. We need to stop the bleeding first." Robin panics.

"It's not stopping!!" Steve shouts.

The room starts spinning and my vision goes blurry. I try to speak but nothing comes out. My breathing speeds up and I start crying again. A second later, the room goes black.

I slowly open my eyes, squinting to sharpen the blurred images before me. Once my vision stabilizes, I see Steve, Robin, Nancy, and Jonathon sitting around me. Nancy's eyes are bloodshot red from crying and she's leaning into Robin, who is zoned out completely.

"Hey guys...I think she's awake." Jonathon says.

Nancy wipes her face and sits up.

"Hey kid, how are you feeling?" She says, brushing my hair off my face.

"Like shit." I mumble.

Robin snaps back to reality and grabs my hand.

"Don't you ever, ever, do that to us again Max." Robin sternly tells me.

I nod my head as I try to sit up.

"Not so fast Red." Steve says, helping me sit up.

"Why would you ever do such a thing?" Jonathon questions blankly. Nancy nudges him in the side and he backs off.

I look at my arm and slide my fingers against the rough skin.

"Nancy sowed it up while you were asleep." Robin says.

I look at them one by one. They look traumatized. God, what have I done? I wasn't even thinking.

"I'm sorry." I whisper.

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