The Return Of _____

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I walk into my first class and sit down next to Eleven.

She looks at me shocked and whisper shouts, "Max?! I didn't know you were coming back today?"

"Neither did I." I whisper back.

"Girls, Silent!" Mr. Cox states sternly.

I turn to face the front of my room and lay my head down while Mr. Cox goes on about quadratic functions for 45 minutes.

After class, we meet the boys at the lockers.

"Look at who I found!" Eleven says excitingly.

"Oh, hey Max. Good to see you back." Lucas says with a slight smile.

"Hey stalker" I say smiling back.

We chat for a little and then head to our classes. I get a lot of weird looks with the tube in my nose but nobody says anything to me. The day goes by very quick and then the last bell rings. I go find Nancy and we go to her car.

"Hey max, how was your day?" She asks as we start driving.

"It was fine. I want to get this tube out." I say blankly.

"Well then start eating and we can do that."

I roll my eyes in response and watch out the window.

We get back to robins-I mean our apartment- and go in. Robin is finishing dinner and tells us to sit down. I throw my bag on the floor and take a seat. She puts our plates on the table and sits with us.

"Hey Max, guess what?" Robin says while shoving food in her mouth.

"yeah?" I say, picking at said food.

"Nancy has officially moved in!"

"oh that's great." I say genuinely happy.

Nancy smiles as she eats.

I decide i need to actually eat my food and I do just that. I eat every last bite, I feel terrible after but Nancy and Robin seem happy with it.

"Good job Max." Nancy says while clearing the table and Robin shoots me a thumbs up.

"Does this mean I can get the tube taken out now?" I plead.

"Keep it up for a few days and we will see about it." Nancy says.

I try to hide my disappointment as I get up from the table.

"I'm going to go take a shower." I say, heading to my room to grab pajamas. Nancy nods at me.

I grab my stuff and go into the bathroom. I turn on the shower and then kneel down in front of the toliet. I put my fingers down my throat and puke up the dinner. I flush the toliet and brush my teeth and then hop in the shower. I decide to sit down and take a shower because of how dizzy I am. It takes me a good 30 minutes and then I get dressed and return to the living room.

Nancy and Robin are curled up together watching a movie. I sit on the chair beside them.

"Feel better?" Robin asks.

I nod my head and grab a blanket to cover up with.

I sit in silence and pretend to watch the movie with them for a while and then I excuse myself and go to my room for bed. I climb into the bed and just stare at the wall for awhile. Suddenly I get a weird feeling and then it happens.

I'm back in the red fog, I see Chrissy's body and instantly know what's happening.

"Oh Maxxx, did you miss me?" Vecna says as he walks around a big boulder.

I turn to run but then a vine wraps around my leg and pulls me up against a tree and pins my body in place. Vecna comes face to face with me and runs his long scaly fingers on my face.

"I've waited so long to see you again." He says in his deep hoarse voice.

"Leave me alone!" I wail out.

"Oh, i'm not going to hurt you Max...not yet. I want you to tell your little friends what's coming. I want you all to suffer." Vecna says with a sly face.

I hear Kate Bush playing and the vines drop me. Suddenly i'm back in my bed with Robin and Nancy standing over me.

I curl my body close to me and start hyperventilating.

"He's...he's back." I mumble in between sobs.

"What happened? What did he say?" Nancy says sternly with a worried expression.

"Just that he wanted us all to suffer. He's planning something Nance. Something big." I say, calming down and getting more serious.

Robin gets up to go call Steve. About an hour later the whole party is here along with Steve, Johnathon, and Argyle-who for some reason never went back to California.

"I thought we killed him!" Steve says angrily and hits his fist on the table.

"He never left. He's been here and he's only gotten stronger." Will speaks softly.

"Well we are stronger now too. We are together. We can fight him. And we can win this time." Eleven says fiercely.

I sit in the corner of the couch listening to everyone ramble on about what to do.

"What is keeping him from like taking over completely?" Mike asks.

"Me. He still needs me. When I came back to life, it ruined his plan and we thought it was over but he's only been in hiding, growing this plan and he's stronger than ever." I say quietly.

"You're right but why hasn't he taken you. He could've killed you today but he chose to wait, why?" Robin says, pacing back and forth while she speaks.

"I don't know. And i'm scared to find out." I answer worryingly.

"Maybe we should just wait until he goes for Max again and maybe we can figure out his plan." Mike says,

"Yeah but what if the next time is the time he's going to try and kill her." Lucas goes on concerned.

"We will make sure that doesn't happen. We can all be here watching her instead of just one person." Dustin chimes in.

"I think it's all we can do. Better this than nothing." I say.

"GROUP SLEEPOVER!!!!" Robin yells, making everyone jump.

I roll my eyes but manage to let out a slight chuckle.

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