Elmax together again

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"Max!" Eleven yells, running in the door. She finds my room and practically cannonballs next to me.

"Hey, careful in there!" Nancy yells from the living room.

Eleven giggles and embraces me in a hug. "What happened? Why'd you leave school the other day?"

"I just didn't feel good." I lie.

"Lucas said you yelled at him. Everyone is really worried about you."

"I'm fine." Another lie.

"Okay...do you wanna watch a movie or something?"

"Um sure, you pick it out. I've got to use the bathroom." I slide out of bed steadying myself. I wobble into the living room and almost make it into the bathroom when Nancy notices me.

"What are you doing Max?" Nancy says, running over to me.

"I just want to piss in peace." I moan.

"We go over this every time. I just can't have anything happening to you.

"Please? I never get a second alone. I have zero privacy!" I whine.

"And there is a very good reason for that..." Nancy states, somberly.

"Do you have tampons or something?" I say, changing the subject.

"Yeah, of course, one second." She says, walking away. The second she turns her back I slam and lock the bathroom door.

"Dammit, Max!" She shouts turning around. "Open the door, now."

I don't answer her. I grip the sink and look at myself. I haven't had my period in months because my body is so fucked up. My eyes are sunken along with my cheeks, my jaw is sharp. My clothes are hanging off of me and I can see every bone in my body. I don't recognize myself anymore. After about 10 minutes of Nancy banging on the door, I open it.

"Shit, are you okay?!" She says, grabbing my shoulder and examining me.

  I push her off of me and start towards my room. "I'm fine!"

Eleven shoots me a look when I get back into bed but dosent say anything. Nancy dosent say a word or chase after me. El starts going on about the movie she's watching but I don't hear a single word she is saying. My head is in another place right now and I can't seem to snap back into reality.

It's the next day and Hopper just picked El up for school. I'm still laying in bed, refusing to get up.

Robin and Nancy storm into my room.

"C'mon, you've missed nearly a week of school already. Get up, you are going." Nancy demands, trying to drag me out of bed.

"I can't" I whine, as she drags me towards the bathroom, ignoring my pleads. Robin picks out an outfit for me and trails behind.

"Now, get dressed or we will get you dressed." Robin says, handing me the clothes.

"Fine." I say, sternly. They close the bathroom door and wait outside. They had made a deal last night that I can close the door but they removed the lock, so it's kind of pointless anyway. I lift off my shirt slowly and then grab the shirt Robin picked out for me. Suddenly, a wave of dizziness hits me and I grab onto the wall. The room is spinning out from under me, I collapse to the ground and hear Nancy and Robin pushing the door open.

"Hey, hey, are you okay? What the hell happened?" Nancy says, leaning down next to me.

"I'm fine. I just got dizzy."

They help me stand up and when they let go I fall again.

"Shit Max." Robin says, catching me.

I just now realize I am only in my bra. I cover myself consciously with my arms.

"C'mon, let's get you dressed." Nancy says, helping me put the shirt on.

Nancy tried to help me get my pants changed but I flinch and she stops.

"It's okay, you can just wear those. I'm sorry." Nancy says worryingly.

I notice a few tears have fallen down my face and I quickly wipe them away.

"Can I please just stay home one more day? I promise I will go tomorrow..."

Nancy and Robin look at each other and then silently nod. 

"I can take the day off from school and stay home with her, I know you have to work today anyways." Nancy says to Robin.

"Okay, well keep me updated and I'll be home soon." Robin says, grabbing her bag.

Nancy nods and then helps me out of the bathroom and onto the couch.

She sits down next to me and then is quiet for a moment.

"Do you want to talk about it, Max? I know it's hard but it helps to get it off your chest."

*I just shake my head silently as I lay down on the couch. It feels nice to get out of bed for a minute. Nancy rubs my shoulder and then jumps up from the couch.* "So, what for breakfast?" *She says enthusiastically clapping her hands together. I groan in response and she lets out a small chuckle.*

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