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It's been about a week since I got the tube in, i've been completely avoiding mirrors because i'm worried i'm gaining weight. I try not to think about it. It's Saturday morning and it's going to be a rough day. I walk out of my room and am greeted by Robin making breakfast.

"Goooood morninnnng." Robin says in a singsong voice.

"Someone is in a good mood today." I chuckle.

"Yes I am, now sit down before your food gets cold."

"I have this dumb tube, It's giving me everything I need. Why must you battle with me everyday to eat?" I whine.

"Because you can't rely on a tube for the rest of your life, so we're going to do this everyday until your eating gets better."

I groan and sit at the table ignoring my food until Robin gives up.

"Okay, Nancy will be here in 10 minutes so get cleaned up and put on a nice outfit." Robin says while cleaning up the table.

Nancy has made an appointment to start the process of trying to get me adopted and today we go to court. I'm extremely nervous because my mom is supposed to be there but I'm trying not to show it.

"Max, Nancy is here!"

"Coming!" I slip on my shoes and meet them at the car.

"Hey Max, you ready?" Nancy asks as I get in the car.

I nod my head nervously and fidget with my fingers.

We get to the courthouse and my stomach does front flips. I step out of the car and follow Nancy and Robin inside, I keep my head down.

I take a seat in the waiting room while Nancy and Robin go speak to the lawyer. I sit still with my head down until I see my mom, I try to hide myself but she sees me and stumbles over towards me looking pissed.

"Well hello Maxine. Nice to fucking see you, you're coming home with me today, I'm not letting these dykes get custody of you." She says, slurring her words. She is obviously drunk out of her head.

I'm on the brink of tears but I don't want her to see. "Don't call them that." I say, gritting my teeth. She's about to say something more but Robin sees us and runs over.

"Leave her alone." Robin says and stands in between me and her. My mom spits at her and walks away. Robin shakes her head and grabs a tissue to wipe it off.

"I'm so sorry." I say, grossed out.

"Don't apologize for her." Robin says, seeming unbothered.

They call us into the court room and I take a seat in between Robin and Nancy in front of the judge. My leg shakes at 100 miles per hour. The judge asks us to state our names and we go around and do so. Our lawyer states the case. I zone out practically the whole time until the very end.

"I declare custody to Nancy Wheeler." The judge states, smacking his gavel.

I automatically snap back into reality when I hear this.

My mom stands up, "No, I am her mother! I refuse! You can't take my child from me. I fucking raised that little cunt!"

"Ma'am calm down or we will escort you out." A police officer says, moving closer to her.

"No, fuck this! Fuck you all." She storms over to me quickly and grabs my arm trying to pull me away. Nancy grabs me before she can. A police officer grabs her and puts her in cuffs.

"I hope you fucking die Maxine!" She screams as the police officer pulls her away.

"Ignore her." Nancy says with her hands on my shoulder. We wait until my mom is gone and then we leave the court room. I stand to the side while they sign some papers.

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