Going home.

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       *2 weeks later*

    I'm getting sent home today. Not sure where home really is anymore. Hopper tried to lock my parents up, they had court and everything but there wasn't enough evidence. Neil ran the second he found out I escaped. My mom says that he is living with his low-life ex in Chicago, which is more than fine with me. Maybe my mom will actually give a damn about me now, yeah right.

"Hey Red, are you ready to bust out of this jail?" Steve walks in with a wheelchair.

"I am not getting in that. I can walk." I argue.

"Just until we get outside, the doctors insist."

I let out a loud sigh and climb into the wheelchair. He wheels me out to the lobby where everyone is waiting. They greet me with a hug and help me into the car. We drive to my house and I slowly walk in, remembering everything that has happened here. Steve talks to my mom about all of my medicines while El helps me into my room.

"Where's all of your stuff?" El says as we get in my room.

All that is in here is a mattress.

"Uh i'm not sure? I'll figure it out later. Thank you for your help, I'll see you later El." Trying to signal I want to be alone. She gives me a hug and I walk her outside. I wave to everyone as they pull away. It's just me and my mom now.

"So, those all your little friends?" She says sarcastically.

"They are. Where is all my stuff?" I demand.

"Oh, we're moving. You know, since you decided to chase your dad away. I don't have the money to afford this place anymore. We are moving to a trailer that's funded by the government. So don't screw this up too."

"He is not my dad!" I yell.

"You're such an ungrateful little bitch. Go to your room now!" She hollers back.

I stomp into my room and cradle myself on the old gross mattress. Too much is happening and I
am just exhausted. I close my eyes and fall into a deep sleep.

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