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Me and Nancy spend the day watching TV and talking about nothing. Robin gets home and Nancy leaves to go back to her house.

"Hey kid, how was your day?" She asks as she preps dinner.

"It was okay." I say blankly.

"How does spaghetti sound for dinner?" She asks.

"I'm not really hungry." I lie.

"That's too bad, you are going to eat some dinner." Robin says, not even entertaining my lie. I grunt in response.

After a few minutes, she sets it on the table and I sit down and we eat. It takes me about 45 minutes to finish a small portion of spaghetti but Robin doesn't mind, she tells me all about her day and I listen. I finally finish eating and we sit on the couch.

"So Max, I've been meaning to talk to you about something." Robin starts, I'm automatically nervous. I look at her waiting for her to continue.

"Me and Nancy were talking and I think we are going to try to adopt you. You can live here with me permanently. Of course, if that's what you want."

"I mean, of course, I would love to but I feel like I have burdened everyone's life enough, you don't have to do this for me." I say, unsure.

"Oh Max, you are not a burden at all. Everyone is so proud of you and we are just happy to help you. I would love for you to stay here. My parents already approved, they gave me the apartment and I'm 18 now so it'd just be me and you. And I think Nancy might be moving in, but don't tell anyone yet." Robin says the last part with a chuckle.

I start crying tears of happiness and give her the biggest hug. "Thank you, thank you, thank you." I say quietly while hugging her. I wipe my eyes and look at Robin. "Does this mean you and Nancy are a thing?" I say slyly, she laughs and throws a pillow at me.

The next morning Nancy comes over, I wake up to her and Robin chatting in the kitchen. I slowly crawl out of bed and go into the kitchen.

"Well hello, sleepyhead." Nancy smiles.

I sit down at the table and Nancy places breakfast in front of me.

"I can't eat this, I don't feel good." I lie.

"Max, we can't do this every time you eat. You need to eat." Nancy says sternly.

"Well I'm not hungry." I lie again. I push the plate away from me and just sit there. I could feel myself gaining weight the past few days and I wasn't going to let it happen.

Nancy and Robin look at each other and then come sit at the table with me.

"Why don't you want to eat? You have been doing so good the past couple of days." Robin asks.

"I'm just not hungry. Why can't you let it be?"

Nancy chimes in again, "Because Max you can't survive without food. You have to eat whether you want to or not. So you're going to eat this food right now and that is final." She says with a stern face.

I don't say a word and get up from the table, I storm into my room and slam the door.

"Maxine Mayfield!" Nancy yells and follows me.

"Don't call me that!" I yell back. Nancy storms into the room with my plate of food. She sets it on the desk and comes up to me.

"Max, please for the love of god just eat your food." Nancy says, now pleading.

"I don't want to." I say numbly.

"That's fine Max, but if you don't eat then I will take you to the hospital and you will get an NG tube placed and they might make you stay inpatient because of how thin you are looking. The choice is yours." Nancy goes on with a straight face.

I sit there taken aback. I've never seen Nancy so angry.

Robin walks in and sits with Nancy and speaks softly. "Hey Nance, calm down."

Nancy gets up with Robin and they walk out of my room. I sit still on my bed and I hear Nancy crying. After a few minutes, I join them in the living room.

"I'm really sorry Nancy." I sit down with her and she hugs me.

"No no, I'm sorry. I shouldn't get mad at you. I'm just worried about you." Nancy says wiping her tears.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." I whisper over and over again.

We sit like this for a while until Robin breaks the silence. "I heard everyone was planning a sleepover at Mike's house if you were feeling up for it."

I nod my head and go pack a bag. They probably need time away from me anyway.

Steve pulls up about an hour later, Robin and Nancy walk me to the car.

"Why do you guys look like someone died?" Steve says as he gets out of the car.

"Rough morning." Nancy says blankly as she gives Steve my bag. I get in the car and the three of them talk for what seems like an eternity and then Robin and Nancy wave goodbye and go back inside.

"So, you ready for the sleepover red?" Steve says as he gets in the car. I just nod my head and stare out the window the whole drive.

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