Moving Day.

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"Wake up! We are leaving!" My mom barges into my room, grabbing my attention.

I groan and lethargically get up from bed. I don't have anything to grab, my mom already has the car packed. All of our belongings fit into the backseat. Neil took about everything we owned when he left. I just have my clothes and whatever my mom has. I climb into the passenger seat and slouch down. My mom doesn't speak a word. I gaze out the window until we pull up to some gloomy trailer park.

"This is a shit-hole." I mutter under my breath.

"Do you have a better idea? This is all your fault!" She answers.

I fight the urge to yell at her and step out of the car. I look around, it's an old beat up trailer that's quite literally being held up by a thread. I help my mom carry in the boxes and I find my new room. It is tiny but it will do, I start emptying the boxes. I didn't have much at all but I pull out a few oufits, some of my comic books, and my posters. I don't see my skateboard anywhere.

"Mom! Where is my skateboard?" I yell out.

She walks in my room carrying my skateboard, split in the middle.

"Guess Neil wasn't very happy with you." She smirks.

"What the hell is wrong with you people?!" I bought that myself! God I hate you!" I scream in tears.

I slam my door and stare at my skateboard in disbelief. How can he do this? I hope he rots in hell.

My room is finally together and it looks more like a home in here. I go to explore the rest of the trailer. There are two bedrooms, one rotting bathroom, and a kitchen with a small attached living room. My mom has already finished unpacking everything and is sitting on the couch with a beer.

"I'm heading out." She groans.

"I just got out of the hospital from almost being killed by YOUR boyfriend and now you're leaving me again?!" I shout.

"Whatever Maxine." She leaves, slamming the door behind her.

I watch her car speed out of the trailer park, just as I'm about to head back to my room I hear a ringing. I find the phone and pick it up.

"Hello?" I stutter.

"Max, It's Robin. We all are meeting at Mikes house, apparently something bad has come up. I'm on my way to get you now. Be ready in 5." She hangs up.

She sounded serious, what could possibly be happening? I run to my room and grab one of Billy's old jean jackets out of a box. I throw on my shoes and I hear a car horn outside. I run out and jump in the backseat. Steve is driving and Robin is next to him.

"Hey, Red." Steve says.

"Hey, what's happening? I say worryingly.

"We're not sure but it sounds bad. Prepare yourself." Robin chimes in.

I sit in the back gathered in my own thoughts the whole ride. We pull of to the Wheeler's house and run inside. Everyone is already here. I grab my usual spot and El sits next to me.

"We have a problem" Dustin starts

  Mike interrupts, "Sullivan is back."

  "WHAT?!" I get up and start pacing.

  "Who is Sul-vian" Eleven says unsure of how to say his name.

"He's the bad guy that invaded Brenner's underground bunker" Dustin answers.

   "How do you know?" Nancy Asks.

   "I saw him and his guys. They were at the station questioning Hopper." Mike replies.

"They want Eleven. They think she caused all the destruction and they want her gone." Will states.

"Well no way! They aren't getting shit, we need to move quick." I protest.

"Where are we going to go? California isn't safe anymore." Will responds.

"Hoppers cabin? Just for now, I believe we all are in danger if they want El so bad. We need to get a move on. Everyone go home, pack a bag and meet me back here as soon as you can." Steve orders.

Everyone gets up and starts heading outside, I follow Nancy up to her room to try and talk with her alone.

"Nancy?" I stutter.

"Hey kid, what's up?"

"Could you drive me home? Neil broke my skateboard and I won't be back in time if I walk."

"Of course, i'll meet you out there."

  "Thanks Nance."

  I walk out and climb into the passenger seat of Nancy's car. She pulls out slowly and we make it to the trailer park about 5 minutes later.

"Could you come in with me? I don't want to go alone" I beg.

She steps out of the car and follows me to my room. My mom still isn't home, I grab my bag and put in the only clothes I have. I take some comic books and my skateboard and we leave.

Everyone is back at Mikes within an hour. Steve directs us to his car and we pile in. I am getting exhausted of all these car rides. Steve drives us to Hoppers cabin and we all grab our stuff and walk in. Steve is constantly checking behind us making sure we aren't being followed.


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