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All the girls are in one room and the boys in the other. There are only 4 girls in our room and the boys have 6. Me and El share the bed while Nancy and Robin have the floor. I'm not sure how the boys are situated but they have Hoppers room which is the biggest. Hopper is crashing on the couch until we figure it all out.

All of us girls are lounging on the bed reading my comic books, theres a knock at the door.

"You all decent?" Steve asks from the other side of the door.

"Yes dingus." Robin answers.

"It's dinner time." Steve states.

We go and all find spots in the living room and dining room. Steve cooked, we are having spagettio's and butter bread. Everyone ate it without a complaint...besides El. She has to have her Eggo's but we didn't have any.

"I'll go to the store and get some." I volunteer.

"Your not going anywhere by yourself, young lady." Steve argues.

"First off you're not my dad. Second, me and El can go together." I argue back.

  "You're right Max, i'm not your dad. But where is he right now? Not here, that's right." Steve blurts.

Everyone turns and looks at him. I keep the tears from falling and look away.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have said that. I didn't mean it." He apologizes.

"You're right though, it's fine" I say turning my head.

Everyone stays quiet for a minute until Robin chimes in, "I'll take the girls to the store to get some Eggo's." she says, changing the subject.

I grab my shoes and me and El rush to get in the car. Robin was already there warming the engine up.

"Hey kid, I'm sorry. Steve says stupid things sometimes. He just wants to protect you, I promise."

"It's alright. Can we just not talk about it right now?" I mutter.

Robin gets the signal and turns the radio up. El looks at me worried but I wave her off again. She lays her head against me and falls asleep.

We pull into Bradley's Big Buy Grocery, we just call it BG for short.

"I'll just run inside real quick since she is sleeping. Is that okay with you? Robin turns and asks me.

I nod my head and she heads inside. The only noise is the quiet hum of the engine and Eleven's breathing. It is just peaceful for a minute. I sigh deeply and slouch down. I haven't felt this relaxed in a minute.

I'm about to fall asleep when I hear some commotion. I shoot up and peer out the car window, its Sullivan and his crew.

"Oh shit." I say, a little too loud.

El wakes up rubbing her eyes. "Whats wrong?"

I shush her and point out the window.

"What do we do?" She whispers.

"You get down, they can't see you or they will take you away. They know all of us, if they see Robin, they will find us as well." I say, pulling her onto the floor with me.

"God, what is taking her so long?!" I whisper shout.

Just then, the car door swings open. It's Robin.

"Stay on the floor. They didn't see me. We have to get out of here." Robin states, clearly worried.

"What about my Eggo's?" El announces with her puppy dog eyes.

"They are in the trunk." Robin answers.

"Really El?! That's what your worried about right now?" I shoot back at her.

It makes us both giggle.

Robin speeds back to Hopper's cabin and we rush inside.

"Guys, Sullivan and all his boys were at BG's. They looked very angry. I don't think they saw us but i'm not 100% sure." Robin shouts.

"Fuck. What are we supposed to do?" Dustin says.

"We need to come up with a plan, and quick." Mike bugs in.

"Thanks captain obvious." I mutter, rolling my eyes.

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