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I awake on the couch in Mike's basement. I sit up and a sharp pain shoots up my arm.

"Fuck." I groan, getting up.

"Hey now, you need to lay back down. You are on strict bed-rest, Nancy ordered me to not let you get up." Dustin says.

"I've gotta pee." I say, clearly lying.

"You can hold it, Nancy will be right back." Dustin goes on.

"I'm on my period." I respond, lying again.

Dustin, clearly uncomfortable by the subject lets me go. I wobble to the bathroom and hold on to the sink to keep me stable. I look at my bandaged shoulder, it has blood drenched on the gauze. Usually I am okay with blood but this....this is a whole other level. I hear commotion on the other side of the door.

"DUSTIN!!! I told you to keep her laying!!!" Nancy yells.

"I tried!!! She was on her lady-thing. She's in the bathroom." Whines Dustin.

Nancy's huffs at him and then is knocking on the bathroom door.

"Max, let me in." She says, sounding upset.

I slowly unlock the door and she barges in.

"Hey, I need to change your bandages. Sit down." She orders.

I listen and she grabs the medical kit. She unwraps my shoulder and it stings, I squeeze my hands and shut my eyes.

"I'm sorry, this is going to hurt like a bitch." She sympathizes.

"It's okay, just do it." She offers her hand and I grab it, with her other hand she pours alcohol on it and wraps it with a fresh bandage.

"Much better?" She asks.

I nod my head, still in too much pain to answer.

"Okay, now we need to clean your legs." Nancy says, letting go of my hand.

"They are fine." I argue.

She ignores me and walks out of the room, she returns a few seconds later with a pair of shorts. She turns around giving me the signal to change. I obey and change into the shorts, that are clearly Mikes.

"Sorry it's all I had down here." She replies, somehow reading my mind.

She crouches down next to me and cleans the cuts and wraps them back up.

"We need to talk." She says, finishing cleaning my cuts.

"Again? I feel like we talk too much." I say, trying to lighten the room with some sarcasm.

"What did you use to do this to your legs? I need it." She says, almost sounding angry.

"Uhhh, I lost it at the junkyard." I stutter.

"I know your lying, and I want the pocket knife too." She leans over and rips the pocket knife out of my pocket following the eyebrow shaver.

"Hey, isn't this mine?" She asks.

"Yes, I'm sorry Nance. I shouldn't have taken it."

"That's okay." She leans in and gives me a tight hug.

"Look, I can't have you doing this to yourself no more. I'm going to be keeping a close eye on you along with the others." Nancy says.

I slowly nod my head and start to get up. She grabs on to me and helps me back to the couch.

"Now, stay right here. I'm going to go grab you some food and water." She looks at Dustin and he comes to sit next to me.

"Hey, what happened to your legs?" He says eyeing my bare legs.

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